Remember when I made string art with 100+ kids for a non profit event at Dell Children’s Hospital and then a local Austin business actually paid $10,000 for it?! I know, crazy town! The Art of Giving raised $90,000 dollars with the help of local artists and kids making collaborative art projects and local businesses sponsoring each piece of art. I already signed up to be a part of the event again next year!
The final part of this event was called The Giving Gallery. All of the pieces created at the Art of Giving were displayed at Art for the People for an evening. And the sponsors were invited to meet and mingle with the artists and then bring their piece of art to its new home! It was a really fun way to close out the event and see the final pieces of art framed and ready for their sponsors!
For more collaborative art ideas
- String art (1st Art of Giving)
- Tissue paper art (2nd Art of Giving)
- Spray bottle and syringe art (3rd of Art of Giving)
- Bleeding tissue paper house (4th Art of Giving)
- Matisse inspired collage (5th Art of Giving)
- Collaborative painting (6th Art of Giving)
- Paint chip flag art (Created with 100 kids at a Home Depot kids workshop)
- 12 Collaborative art projects (All of the pieces from the 1st Art of Giving)
1. Jenn Hassin (Rolled Paper): Jenn had kiddos each make a few pieces of rolled paper then hot glue them to a large board in a fun pattern.
2. Susan Moore (Quilt) She adhered adhesive backing to pre cut fabric pieces and let the kids iron on fabric pieces! Then, she took the quilt home and quilted it together.
3. Jamie Dorobek (String Art) I’ve got a whole tutorial about how to make sting art with 100+ kids!
4. Rebecca Borrelli (Doodle Chair) She divided the chair up in to small sections and each kiddo doodled in whatever paisley section he/she wanted! The sponsor of this piece was a furniture company!
5. Patricia Ramos White (Gradient Art)
6. Jet Baker (Oil Paintings) I love that I got a picture of Jet shaking hands with one of the sponsors of his pieces!
7. Nancy McMillen (Painted Paper) Nancy had the kids paint sheets of paper and then she cut up the paper into strips and formed the logo of the sponsor of her piece, Empact IT!
8. Troy Allen (Interactive Art) Troy crafted up an interactive art station that involved thousands of rubber bands! It was basically a giant Sharpie marker sling shot. Here’s a picture before the kids got a hold of the giant sling shot:
And here are a few of the final art pieces framed and ready for the sponsors, wow!
9. Saul Jerome San Juan: (Paint by Number) Saul’s piece allowed each kiddo to draw a smaller portion of a large picture. You can kind of tell from the picture below that he had the note cards labeled like a graph. So, a kid would choose say “D4” and then they would walk around the table to find the pile for D row. Then in that pile, the kid would search for the 4 picture and copy the image they saw!
And here is his final piece framed and hung on the gallery wall!
10. Margaret Whitehair (Coffee filter Art)
11. Sylvia Betts (Kites)
12. Elizabeth Hendley (Painting)
Since I was manning my station during the actual event, I did not get to learn about all of the pieces! I did my best, but forgive me for not having more info about each piece and artist. Have you ever done a similar fundraiser? I think it is such a neat idea! High five to Dell Children’s Trust and all of the local business for sponsoring all of our art!
Comments & Reviews
Hi! Do you know how they wrote on the chair? I’m curious the chair material and the specific type of pen/ink so that it doesn’t wash off too easily.
Hello, I’m an art teacher in Round Rock. Just happened to come across your blog and enjoyed it! You can find lots of artsy/crafty ideas on my Pinterest boards!
Hi Donna! So fun that you’re in Round Rock! I will definitely check out your Pinterest boards!
The Art of Giving event sounds really fun! What state are you from? I love doing art with children and helping others, but I am guessing you are from a different state from me. I stumbled upon your website and you have a lot of fun ideas! I used to volunteer doing art with pediatric patients, and I am hoping to start working with children again soon. Thanks for sharing these ideas, -Molly
It is such an awesome event! I love it! SO cool that you were able to volunteer and do art with pediatric patients! I live in Texas 🙂
How would I go about find in out how #10 was done? Mainly from a mounting perspective. We are doing a 3 yr old class project and tinge kids did some cool art with watercolors and coffee filters and I would love to have finished project look similar to this
I can ask her this weekend and get back to you! The annual Art of Giving is happening this Saturday! But, if I had to guess I would say double sided sticky tape or even just Elmer’s Glue or hot glue?!
Did you ever find out how to do this? I am leading an auction project and love this idea.