Do- It- Herself (DIH). That’s got a good ring to it, don’t ya think?! I’m all about empowering women (and kids and men) to Do! Which is why I was super psyched to co- lead the DIH Workshop at the Georgetown Home Depot Thursday. Plus the class is free, which is another one of my favorite things! We had 57-ish women, men and kids attend and learn how to make a pinterest inspired mosaic mirror! It. was. awesome. Meet my new friends over at the Georgetown, TX Home Depot!
Side note: Thank you, Marianne, for the group shot! Maritschka, the workshop leader, did an awesome job of explaining exactly how to make the tile framed mosaic mirror. We took notes, ate snacks, and asked lots of questions! Maritschka is a tile pro. Oh, and check out those cute reusable Home Depot goodie bags that were handed out to everyone. Pretty snazzy, huh?!
Next it was time to start doing! And chatting! And meeting other DIY-ers! I had a blast helping everyone make their mirrors. It’s a simple, pretty solution to jazz up any builder grade mirror.
Home Depot offers DIH Workshops the third Thursday of every month. Next month, we can learn how to install dimmer switches in our homes, something I’ve never done before!
Another fun thing, the Georgetown Home Depot gave away awesome prizes, not 1, but 3 microwaves! And while we’re on the awesome subject, check out my apron. I love it. Jan, a local artist who also works at Home Depot, painted my apron exactly like my C.R.A.F.T. logo! Pretty impressive. (Jan’s in the green visor next to me, below.)
I was really excited that Jenn and Allison came out for the DIH Workshop! We made lots of new friends too. That’s Bettina on the end (and above in the pink jacket), she knows all things garden at Home Depot and she speaks German and smells really good!
Just for fun, Maritschka and I were on Good Day Austin last Thursday morning! You can see our 1:58 seconds of fame on KTBC FOX 7! I’m not gonna lie, I was a proud mama, watching C.R.A.F.T. on the big screen (or t.v.), ha!
*If you want to see some more blogger action at the DIH Workshop’s in other areas, here’s Thrifty Decor Chics, How to Nest for Less and Wait till Your Father Gets Home.
Comments & Reviews
I would use it towards some outdoor/garden projects my hubby has on his to-do list for me for the Spring!
We need to re-tile part of our bathroom, so I’d start with that.
I would use it to fancy up the house we are soon to pick out/buy! There’s always something that you need to do when you buy a house right?
I would buy supplies for the card catalog-esque side table I want to build. Oh, and a new electric staple gun for all my upcoming upholstery projects.
got to try to make me one of these mirrows going to put it in the small bathroom would look great tjhere thanks so much enjoyed so much
The garden!
With this gift card, I would buy some supplies to start working on the basement.
Want to paint the bathroom !
i would fix some shelves in our garage
I would love to help my parents finish fixing up their bathroom.