Our kiddos share a room so that we can use our 3rd bedroom as a dedicated guest room. It’s important to us that family and friends have a cozy place to sleep in our home. (Read: Nana needs a dedicated bedroom to ensure she will come back again and again and help me with the kiddos!) Also fair to note, I love that I can count on one room in our house to be clean. Because lemme tell ya, ever since sweet Mila came along, every other room in our house is a wreck. Long story short, I teamed up with Wayfair.com to get a new rug for this space.
Let me back up a little here, we recently inherited a free king sized bed frame and then we got ourselves a new king sized mattress. It was perfect timing to sell the old queen sized bed and mattress and upgrade the guest room to a king! New mattress and bed frame meant we also needed new bedding. And new bedding led to a new rug. I totally went down the “give a mouse a cookie” hole with what I thought was going to be an inexpensive, easy switcharoo. All of that to say, here’s the guest room before:
The guest bedroom has looked like this since the day we moved in 3 + years ago. Everything in this room was used in my master bedroom in the very first house I bought after getting my first real job here in Austin. The rug you see in the picture above was in the living room of my old condo, and was too small for this room. This room needed an 8×10. So, new to us bed frame, led to us getting a new mattress, which meant guest room inherits our old king sized mattress, and then Wayfair.com asked if I’d like to be part of a Change or Rug, Change your Room campaign. Yes, please!
5 Tips for redoing a bedroom on a budget:
1. Don’t give your room a “must be done by” date: Our guest bedroom is absolutely not done. The bed clearly needs a headboard and possibly new lamps. Maybe different pillows? And I want to recover the little cube that sits under the vanity. But, I don’t want to run out and buy stuff that I don’t love. Not to mention, I love a good deal. Moral of the story, don’t rush it. It will all work out.
2. Buy pieces that make a big impact first, so that you can build the room around those pieces: Like a rug! You can find inexpensive large rugs online. Like I said, I got the 8×10 rug you see above from Wayfair.com for less than $200. It’s soft and cozy under your feet and adds so much texture to the room. I choose this rug from Wayfair’s Home Dynamix Collection!
3. Shop your house: I’m a pro at this. I move my pillows, pictures, art, blankets, and accessories around all. the. time. All of the pillows you see on the bed above were found in my house. Pillow roulette… it’s a thing. The two framed pieces of art below, yep already owned both of those.
4. Add a throw blanket: I know you’ve got a few throw blankets laying around or possibly even hiding in a closet. Whip one out and throw it on the end of your bed. Bam. Sprucin’ up on a bedroom on a budget like a boss.
5. Next Door App/ Neighborhood FB Selling Groups/ Neighborhood List serves: If you don’t know what I’m talking about, ask around in your ‘hood, it likely already exists. And then get yourself added to the lists and groups. That way you don’t miss out when Mrs. Feigenbaum wants to get rid of her kingsized bed frame for free… tonight! Max’s cozy coupe, tricycle, and most of the plants we own were free from the Next Door App.
And why are baby fat rolls so dang cute?
Do you have any tips for redoing a room on a budget? I’d love to hear…
Comments & Reviews
I really needed this advise. I am currently trying to redo my daughters room and got overwhelmed. Your first tip of NOT having a done by date is exactly what I needed. I was trying to get it done before my family visited…but when I rush I tend to buy things I dont LOVE. I needed a boost! Thanks again! (www.simplypinspired.com)
Looks amazing! You’ve made a room that will be hard to leave! Your tip about joining neighborhood groups is perfect – people are always looking to get rid of their old stuff, and when a Neighbor can get it , all the better!
I love it! The room looks completely different. And those little legs. They are too cute!