Halloween is my favorite! Candy and DIY costumes… what is not to love? A few years ago, I accidentally made my baby 6 Halloween costumes. That’s how much I love making easy Halloween costumes! Here’s a list of 33 cute DIY kid Halloween costumes to get everyone in the Halloween spirit!
Easy Cardboard Costumes for Kids
DIY Cardboard costumes are my favorite for a lot of reasons, one of those being the costume material is free! Put those card board boxes to good use and turn them into everything from tractors to trains to chocolate chip cookies! Don’t miss this post for more DIY cardboard costumes.
1. LEGO Costume
This Halloween costume is sew cute! Amy turned an old lampshade into the most adorable needle and thread you’ve ever seen! The “yarn” is old t-shirts cut into strips. See the full DIY needle and thread costume on C.R.A.F.T.
3. Raisin Box Costume
If you have a raisin lover on your hands, this DIY cardboard box costume is perfect! Best part? All you need is a box, paint, red bonnet and a basket! Oringially from Bear Rabbit Bear.
4. Chocolate chip cookie
If you need a last minute costume, this DIY chocolate chip cookie costume is easy! All you need is a cardboard box, pant, and black ribbon. Don’t forget the milk candy bag! Find the detailed DIY cookie costume tutorial at C.R.A.F.T.
5. Oven costume
Turn a cardboard box into an oven with silver spray paint and tin foil! Don’t forget the chef’s hat and felt pie.
Halloween Costumes for Toddlers
Any of the DIY costume ideas on this list could be made for toddlers, but the following ideas can only be used for toddlers because they utilize a diaper box. An older child can not fit in a diaper box, but you could certainly use a larger box to accommodate an older child.
6. Tractor
If you’re on the hunt for a toddler costume, this DIY tractor is a winner! Turn a diaper box into a tractor and add a little cowboy or cowgirl with a simple plaid button down and jeans outfit. See the step by step for this easy cardboard box turned tractor costume at C.R.A.F.T.
7. Toddler train costume
DIY Food Costumes for Kids
The chocolate chip costume above doubles as a DIY food costume plus an easy cardboard costume for kids! This DIY food costume lists also includes a cheeseburger and my personal favorite, an organic carrot costume.
8. Cheeseburger
Who doesn’t love a cheeseburger? Check out the complete cheeseburger Halloween costume tutorial on C.R.A.F.T. Whip up a DIY french fry costume and a ketchup for a family trio.
9. Organic carrot
10. Candy Corn
Candy corn is typically a love it or hate it candy, but there is no denying that this DIY candy corn costume is adorable! Hop on over to Dukes & Duchess for this candy corn costume tutorial greatness.
11. Pineapple
12. Morton Salt Girl
13. Slurpees
Slurpees are always a good idea and how cute to be twin slurpees with your bestie? Get the DIY slurpee costume tutorial at Crap I’ve Made.
14. Colonel Sanders
Hollie turned her toddler into the cutest Colonel Sanders you’ve ever seen complete with an extra large bucket of fried chicken from Kentucky Fried Chicken.
DIY Animal costumes for kids
If you have your heart set on an animal DIY Halloween costume, don’t miss this list of 37 DIY animal costumes for kids and adults. Below are a few of my favorite DIY animal costumes for trick or treating.
15. DIY Flamingo costume
All you need for this adorable flamingo costume is a few pink boas and a sheet of pink felt.
16. Peacock
17. Bee and a bee keeper
18. Fish and Shark
Cut out a shark shape from cardboard and add arm straps for a DIY shark costume! Of course you’ll need a few fishy friends to trick or treat with you. More DIY shark costume details on C.R.A.F.T.
19. Panda
Handmade Movie & Book Costumes
This costume category includes everything from Disney costumes to classics like the Wizard of Oz!
20. DIY Troll Costume
How cute is this tiny Troll? All you need is a tan onesie, tan tights, and hair dye to turn any kiddo into a DIY troll! Don’t forget the rhinestone on the bellybutton!
21. Regina from Mean Girls
Miranda turned her cute kiddo into Regina from Mean Girls at the prom.
22. Wizard of Oz
Megan turned her adorable crew into Dorothy, Tin Man, Scarecrow and a Lion from Wizard of Oz.
23. DIY Wizard of Oz costumes
I love the addition of the cardboard yellow brick road costume and mom as wicked witch of the west in this DIY Wizard of Oz family costume.
24. Where’s Waldo
25. Willy Wonka costumes
Find all of the DIY Willy Wonka kid costumes details on C.R.A.F.T.
26. Bob Ross
27. Doug
My high school friend, Kim, turned her adorable son into Doug from the beloved 90’s cartoon on Nickelodeon. Side note: Can you believe that Doug premiered 28 years ago in 1991?
28. Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs
29. Dwight
I couldn’t love this Dwight costume more! My friend, Katie, of Sweet Rose Studio, turned her son into the best Dwight I’ve ever seen. All you need is a yellow button down shirt, striped tie, slacks, glasses, and you must part your hair down the middle!
30. Dumb and Dumber Costumes
Hollie made the Mutt Cutts van out of a giant stuffed teddy bear purchased from Costco. She wrapped a cozy coupe car in the fur form the teddy bear and secured with a hot glue gun. Impressive! She purchased the orange tuxedo from Amazon.
31. Little Mermaid
Aerial was my favorite Disney character as a child! Petit a Petit crafted this gorgeous mermaid skirt full of shimmer and layers of tulle semi circles. I love that the skirt actually ties at the waist and allows for easy walking.
32. Magic School Bus costumes
Ms. Frizzle and Liz lizard could not be cuter! Add a cardboard Magic School Bus cut out to a wagon for extra points.
33. Boo costume from Monsters Inc
Boo is a 3 year old girl in Monster Inc who is unafraid of monsters. Not only is she adorable, but the costume is super simple and comfortable! Grab an oversized toddler pink t-shirt, purple leggings, white socks, and of course pig tails. Best part? The pink t-shirt can be worn again and again.
34. Easy ghost costume
There are lots of books and movies with ghosts represented, but my daughter loves Gusatavo the Shy Ghost. So, her very easy costume was made to resemble Gustavo. All you need is a white, twin bed sheet, white bucket hat, and black felt!
Video Game Costumes
35. Minecraft
36. DIY Flower costume
This is not exactly a video game, but it is the cutest little flower in the history of ever. This costume is perfect for a tot or an adult! All you need to make this flower costume is a green dress and colorful foam sheets!
If you want more DIY costume ideas, don’t miss these:
Comments & Reviews
I did the gnome on my 1 1/2 yr old last year. Got a lot of compliments. like the air balloon and scuba diver. Might try one this year.
One year I made my boy a rubix cube. Just a box, construction paper and I used some laminating sheets to protect the construction paper. Bought a black sweat suit that he could reuse during the cold months that way I wasn’t buying unneeded stuff.
I love the scuba costume. How do I make it or order it?
I made my 3 y/o and 6 month old daughters the clown costume last year. Since it was chilly outside, we just put a long sleeve onesie underneath for the baby and a long sleeve leotard for my 3y/o for warmth. Not sexual in any way at all!
Oh, and we also used different patterned leg warmers on their legs and arms. It was adorable.
I have made the chicken costume for my daughters very first fall festival. It was ADORABLE! She was only 7 months old so the chicken feet ( kitchen gloves) dangled well and instead of making a hood for it I used one of those “floating feather” hair clips and her beak was her pacifier. She has also been a pink poodle made from those fluffy mesh bath loofahs, “lil miss priss” ( a baby beauty queen complete with titled sash), and last year she was a shaggy dog (she’s a dog lover). I’m in search of something extra creative for her and her new baby brother this year. my mother ALWAYS made our costumes (all four of us) and I am trying to carry that tradition on for my child as well.
kit hen gloves as chicken feet is genius! I’d love to see a pic 🙂
How did they do the beard for the baby bum? My cousins little boy would be adorable and I can’t figure it out.
I’ve used vasaline and coffee!! Works well!
Brown eyeliner, time consuming, but non-irritating, and easier to wipe off than Vaseline!
Rebecca you could also use wasable markers or crayons I recently made my son a clown for a photo shoot and used washable marker for red cheeks and nose and patted with a puff with baby powder to set it… Worked like a charm no smears he’s 15 mo. Old
great idea! I wanted to make my 16 month old a clown, but I knew she would smear makeup.
So cute! I love the Dwight! Ohhh…
that one is my favorite too!
The baby bum is hilarious. You people need to lighten up. As gory as Halloween has become, the bum is so benign. Stop being so politically correct
Theses are super cute. In my town the baby bum would be gret. Most every corner has someone with a sign. And not because they are homeless but because they are too lazy to get a real job.
My sister made a super cute skunk costume. (sorry I don’t have a pic). She put black sweat pants on inside out, black hoodie on inside out, made felt ears and glued them to the hood. Glued a white feather boa down the back of the hoodie, and a black feather boa so it dangled from the waist with the white boa in the center of it. She wore black gloves with it (we live in Michigan, so it is COLD on Halloween). She used black eye liner to color the tip of her nose and make whiskers.
Love this idea! I might have to use this for my almost three year old and I this year! Thank you!
We saw someone do something similar here a few years ago. When we first saw the costume, the child had fallen down and was on its hands and knees. My husband truly thought (it was dark after all) it was a giant skunk and freaked out for a second. It is the one costume we have seen someone else do that he still talks about years later.
I don’t understand how the clown costume is sexualized. She’s wearing a tutu. Adorable!
People are taking these costumes WAY TO SERIOUS. They are suppose to inspire you to create your own that works for you. The clown one shows a little too much skin for my 4 year old- not to mention it would be a
Little nippy here in Utah! Throw on some leggings and a long sleeve shirt and keep the rest the same. No biggy and really not offensive. There are some really great ideas on here, and after having a repunzel costume made for my daughter last year ($50 OUCH!) this year we will be doing it homemade & on a budget!
Thanks for sharing!!
Re: the Bum, I would probably lose the sign and the beard and find a wireless game controller. Slacker Baby 😉
I adore the owl, pinnochio, and the baby peacock.
I made a Red Baron costume complete with tri-plane (it was 6ft across!) for my son and the following year his costume was a soldier in a tank. All from boxes, duct tape, paint, and some glue.
I’d love to see pictures! They sound adorable!
my favorite is the baby bum sooo funny. Makes me laugh. And to all of you complaining about it making fun of the homeless, grow up its very funn.
i don’t like the clown costume, it doesn’t seem appropriate for the girl in it and i agree with those saying being a bum isn’t cool(being homeless would rather suck)and people are entitled to an opinion and shouldn’t be ripped about it(freedom of speech?)
I’m am 13 years old and i feel that you are one of many childish people who have nothing better to do but judge others on things they do better than you so i say all of should stop looking on this site because your not worth the comment space! I am planning on making my brothers and cousins costumes from the wonderful ideas.
I have 4 kids so their halloween costumes are mostly homemade. As are birthday outfits to anyones party and halloween. Actually we just dress ip any chance we get. They usually go as a set. 1 year 3 gorillas and a banana another the wizard of oz. This year my 9 yr old son will be lego man and 4 year old lil brither a legi block. 10yr old girl a glamingo yep a glamed up flamingo and 7 yr old sis a peacock. Abd yes ive already started on costumes.
A glamorous flamingo… i love the things kids come up with! I’d love to see pictures of your costumes on C.R.A.F.T. facebook!
The “Baby bum” is offensive.
There is nothing funny about being homeless.
I have been homeless I am not offended , I remember dressing up as a hobo as a child, ya know with the stick and hankie ! They were fun times , anyways its not about offending people its about having fun and thats why Halloween is for children because they don’t make things more complicated then they need to
OMG! I think your the person that handed out bible verses and no candy on Halloween last year, LOL!
Do you have directions for any of these costumes? I LOVE the peacock!
one year i went as a baby at the age of 15 and my 2 year old brother (at the time) went as a buisness man! and one year i went as a bag of grapes. we usually stick to homeaide costumes also. one year we made my grandma dress as old mother hubbard bc hubbard is her last name! that was my absolute favorite . but my oldest brother wore just a white t-shirt this past year and wrote costume on it! that was quite humerous to me.
Most of these are cute, but the “Baby Bum” costume seems like it’s making fun of people who have lost their job or home (which is a lot of people in this economy). Kinda heartless.
There is a big difference between homeless people and families who have lost their jobs and/or homes and bums. I volunteer with an organization that provides temporary shelter for homeless families in churches. I also manage property in a downtown business district and all too often encounter bums who are in those conditions by choice. They vandalize private property and often frighten people with their agressive begging for money. They prefer sleeping in vacant property (vandalizing it in the process) and on the streets over sleeping in shelters, primarily because there are rules to follow in shelters.
I think the baby bum costume is adorable!
I *adore* making homemade costumes for my kids. My favorite so far was the angel I made for my 9 year old daughter. I made a white tulle tutu she wore over white leggings and a white leotard, and I fashioned a huge set of wings out of card board, elastic straps and lots and lots of feathers! (My son went as a devil, wearing red fleece pants, red top and a red hooded cape we attached horns and a tail. Easy!) Would love to send a picture if you’re interested…
I’d love to see a picture!! Upload it to CRAFT facebook when you get a chance! http://www.facebook.com/craftblog
I was a Black-eyed P for Halloween last year. I took a plain, white shirt, marked the letter P with a sharpie on it, and blacked my eye with black eye shadow. Easy and cute! 🙂
super creative 🙂
I did the exact same costume when I was in high school.
How cute, One year I was GREEN and my partner had a sign that said ENVY, another time I was a Deviled Egg, had devil costume on with a white egg and yolk made out of felt on the front. Another time I was Fall, had vines and leaves on me. Another time I was poison IVY had vines and spots on me. These are just a few I’ll think of more
you’re creative 🙂 I love it! Pictures?
I love love love homemade costumes. I hope my kids will share my enthusiasm and never ask for a commercial Halloween costume.
Such cute ideas! A couple of years ago, I made my (then) 9 yr old daughter a Jelly Belly costume:). Maybe my most inspired/creative moment yet:)
I’d love to see pictures 🙂 shoot me an email!
I think the best costume I ever had was the year I went as a stop sign. My mom cut out yellow poster board and we drew the design. Then, I went over it with glow in the dark paint, and holographic (fine glitter) paint over the lettering. I got so much candy that year.
That is an AWESOME idea! I would LOVE to see pictures!!!
These are so super cute! I can’t wait to make my baby the bum, my daughter the paper doll, and my oldest son King Kong. Thanks for putting this together!
haha! That would be awesome!
Some of these are precious and very clever – home made costumes are the best! I had this pinned, but now that I see your page I’m taking it down – sexualizing little girls is awful (you have actually seen the California Gurls video, right?), and I don’t think making fun of homelessness is okay either. Wish the choices were better edited.
I’m happy you took it down if that is how you feel! Everyone’s opinion is welcome on C.R.A.F.T.! (ps I’ve never seen California Gurls)
Some people just like to pee in the punch bowl. These pictures are so cute and bring fun into the kids lives as well as the adults who see them…Halloween is an innocent time of life where you can be a pretend person for one day/night. Very cute and clever costumes. Thanks for posting.
Just found your site and I’m going to have fun exploring.
I think this site is great as well!
Um.. that little girl was CANDY DOTS.. not Katy Perry BTW. Use your eyes and brain together please!
Really? Sexualizing? Homeless? wow, you are a nut job!!
Amaebi519- You are insane lol. It’s people like you who ruin the fun things like Halloween for others! These costumes are adorable and creative! Thanks for the ideas!
I agree with amaebi519.
Most of these are cute and creative, but that clown costume is more appropriate for an adult woman than a toddler child.
For everyone else, there’s no need to call each other names like “nut job” or accuse others of “ruining fun things”. Everyone’s opinion is different, everyone’s boundaries are different, and everyone is entitled to share them.
I love the clown costume. Going to buy the headbands now. Sexualizing??? REALLY??? A child’s swimming suit is a lot more revealing. I find witches, devils, zombies, murder victims and murderers a lot more disturbing. My theory is that unless you are already thinking in the gutter the clown is just adorable.
All of the costumes are cute. People can take their negative attitudes elsewhere. If you don’t like it, then don’t look at it.
I am not a fan of the idea of dressing a child up to make fun of the homeless/”bums” either.
Yeah how dare that kid make fun of bums! Its Halloween!! Get over it!
I would agree that the clown and mermaid are a little too immodest for my taste – they’re little girls, let’s keep them covered up and teach them to respect themselves.
Haha! The baby bum cracks me up! My mom always made our costumes.. my younger brother and I were normally a set of something. Raggedy ann and andy.. fred and wilma.. mikey and minnie. Homemade costumes are the best.
my friend did the baby bum last year for her son and it was the cutest little thing ive ever seen! he had his hobo bag and his little sign with his beard!
You don’t think the baby bum is perhaps a bit tasteless? Homelessness if certainly not a funny thing.
Oh please. You could say that about any number of Halloween costumes. It’s a little thing called FUN. No, homelessness is not a funny thing. But a toddler dressed as a bum is pretty darn cute. Everyone and every group finds a reason to take offense at any little things these days. You can’t spend your life worrying about stuff like that. There’s a big difference between harassing a homeless person standing on the street and dressing your baby has a hobo.
Omg!! I agree with you and my son just may be this for Jalloween this year. People relax have fun if we took every costume to offense Halloween wouldn’t even be celebrated!! It’s one day/couple hours to be anything you want to be relax!!! If you don’t agree with too much skin being shown ( the mermaid, clown) then alter it for your child no need for rude comments. Someone worked hard on these costumes not for you to bash them. Maybe find something better to channel your negativity to. I think they are all amazing and pretty amazing parents to take the time to try and MAKE a great costume for their very loved children. Makes me angry…. Always gotta have a Debbie downer in the bunch.
Great jobs moms/dads/grandparents ❤
ARE YOU SERIOUS???? REALLY? If that cute costume offends you so profoundly perhaps you should sell your computer and donate the cash to a shelter!
We are really contemplating doing this for our 3 year old….
LOVE it!
HAHA. sell your computer! haaha. Yeah you dont really need to Dis on halloween Costumes.. Its dressing up.. its funn… Now if someone is dressed like you. Then you can complain.. But if that baby wasnt cute to you then you dont have a since of humor so who would dress like you. haha
I agree baby bum isn’t exactly the best costume especially in this economy.
Aw, thanks for including my Slurpee costumes!
I LOVE your slurpee costumes!!!!!!!!