What is #20CraftsIn20Days?
I started #20Craftsin20Days to hold me accountable to not use a screen as a babysitter (as much) in the summer. That’s right, I said it. I’m guilty, but I want to do better. I want my kids to use their creative muscles, but I know I need a plan and some accountability if I’m really going to make this happen.
Get 20 Kid Crafts Delivered to Your Inbox for Free!
Every morning for 20 weekdays, you will get one really awesome kid craft idea sent to your inbox. Simply, fill out the form below and get excited for 20 Crafts in 20 Days to start on Monday, June 3rd!
Goal – Encourage Creativity
The goal of #20Craftsin20Days Club is to encourage creativity! The goal is not to add more things to your to do list or add to your mom guilt that you’re not doing enough. If you need a day off, no worries. If you do the same craft 2 days in a row, who cares! The idea is to simply get your kids creativity flowing and arm you with tons of easy, fun ideas.
What kind of crafts will we make?
If you’re curious about the kind of crafts we will be doing, here are all 20 crafts from 20 Crafts In 20 Days 2018! We will have 18 brand new crafts for 2019. I let each of my kids pick their favorite craft from last summer to keep on the 2019 list. Hint: My son picked a craft rhymes with blime.
Materials list for #20CraftsIn20Days 2019
Round up everything on the list below and stick it in an empty cardboard box so it will be ready to go on June 3rd! It’s also fait to note, you will also need general craft supplies like scissors, white paper, markers, crayons and paint.
- Large empty plastic bottle (or small, whatever!)
- 1 bag of marshmallows
- Vegetable oil
- Food coloring
- Toothpicks
- 2-3 small to medium sized cardboard boxes
- 1 white mug (This will be a Father’s Day gift!)
- Sidewalk chalk
- A few colors of nail polish
- 2-3 empty cardboard food boxes (cereal, macaroni, rice)
- 1 TP tube per kiddo
- Shaving cream
- 2 bottles of Elmer’s glue (Yes, slime had to make the list! But, only 1 bottle is for slime 😉
- Penne pasta noodles
- Bleeding tissue paper (That’s an Amazon link!)
- Paint chips (Or you can use construction paper or magazines!)
- Bubbles
- Hot glue gun
- Contact solution (You can absolutely buy this at the grocery store, just linked to share the brand I use!)
- Bird seed