There is no wrong way to throw an art party! My daughter loves making things and so a craft project was a must for her 9th birthday party this year. We went through a lot of craft ideas, and settled on a flower arranging and watercolor craft! Here are 10 art birthday party tips and ideas to make it easy and fun for everyone!
10 Art Birthday party tips
1. Art birthday party craft ideas
Coming up with fun crafts for a group of elemnentrary aged kids is hard! I don’t want junk, but I also don’t want paint and glitter all over everything! For my daughter’s 9th birthday, each guest arranged a vase of flowers and then watercolored her vase of flowers. It was simple and fun and the kids took home their vases and framed water color. Each one turned out really cute! We painted picture frames for her 7th art birthday party. Here are 13 more birthday party craft ideas.
Birthday party craft ideas
- Flower arranging
- Still life water coloring
- Paint wooden picture frames
- Decorate canvas bags
- Tie dye t-shirts or socks
- Friendship bracelets
- Paint pots and plant seeds
- Flower crowns
- Decorate cupcakes
- Make slime
2. Craft timing
We’ve hosted 2 art birthday parties now, and I think it’s best to do the craft as soon as the party starts. Doing the art project first also allows for ample drying time for the kids to take their masterpeices home. I’d plan a project that takes no more than 30 minutes. Inevitably you will have kids that finish in 10 minutes and some that take longer, but 30 minutes is the sweet spot.
3. Art birthday party set up
I like to have everything ready to go as soon as guests arrive. Mila pre decorated the white frames, but that could be included in the craft portion of the party too. She used sticker gems and letter beads to personalize each frame. (These frames from Target are a great size, price, and perfect for decorating!) I set each girl up with:
- Vase from Dollar Tree
- White pre decorated frame (We used these from Target!)
- 1 peice of pre cut water color paper to fit the frame
- Pencil
- Paintbrush
- Set of water colors for 2 girls to share
- Jars of fresh flowers in the center of the table
5. Art tablecloth
We use a heavy duty drop cloth that I oringially painted with flowers for her 7th craft birthday party. The table cloth has been used dozens of times and her friends continue to autograph and doodle on it which I think adds to the fun!
6. Goody bags
My daughter loves to craft and party plan, so I let her paint and decorate the white goody bags before the party. But this could absolutely be another party activity for the guests. We always do a piñata for my kids birthdays, so the bag is essential for the candy! This year since it was a sleepover art party, we included tie dye eye masks and under eye patches for a fun bed time activity. The girls also took home their vase of flowers and framed art.
7. Art party invitation
We like to text out a picture that includes the party agenda on a hand painted sign! The painted sign doubles as party decor and I like that it keeps us on track. I use brown kraft paper for gift wrap and sign making year round! The “It’s my birthday” t-shirt is a fun addition for party day and to wear at school.
8. Party size
The smaller the better, ha! At a minimum, make sure you have a dedicated chair for each guest. This year, she invited 6 friends to the craft party.
9. Art party decorations
My favorite birthday party decor is a balloon arch. I know a balloon arch is not new idea, but do you know how easy it is to make a balloon arch yourself? And no helium necessary! All you need is this magic tape and any color balloons in different sizes. I used this balloon arch kit and and liked that it came with different sized colored balloons and the magic tape. It’s so easy and makes a big impact. I hung the balloon “arch” with tacks. I always print out pictures of the birthday kid and their friends and hang those up too!
10. Make your own dessert bar
Mila isn’t a big cake fan, so we opted for a make your own sundae bar which was another fun “craft”! I gave each kid their choice of chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry ice cream (or all 3!) and then filled the cupcake pan with fruit, nerds clusters, sprinkles, marshmallows, and M&M’s. No topping was left un touched and there wasn’t a dribble of ice cream left in any bowl!
For more art party birthday pictures, don’t miss my reel! If you’re looking for more birthday party theme ideas, don’t miss:
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