Oh suspended desk, how I am going to miss you. And shelves, I need shelves. I hope y’all are being loved by the new tenant.
These hooks in my closet were a life savor. I didn’t take those with me either. My sweater collection lived on those hooks. I love a good cardigan. At the moment my sweaters live in a heap on the floor in the bedroom. Geez, I’m being kind of pathetic today, huh?
MP room, you made me happy. Although, your walls turned out a little too bright, you were cheery. Everything had a home in here.
This closet makeover was one of the early blog blog posts. It was a good closet.
That white shelf is going to try and hold ALL of my craft supplies in Sunny. It’s a big unorganized, disaster at the moment too. The grey desk is my new blogging desk.
Laundry room, how I miss you so. A free washer and dryer all to myself. Two shelves of storage above, and look at that spice rack on the back of your door! You’re pretty. Sunny has no laundry room. We have to pay 50 cents to wash and 50 cents to dry our clothes. We share the one washer and dryer with 2 floors.
Shelves and fire place and desk and even the cable and outlet above the fire place so no cords hung down… Maybe it’s the pouring rain, gray skies, and broken sink pipe that flooded our bathroom here this morning. But, I miss our little condo in Texas right now. Our TV is currently sitting on a dresser in the living room with cords everywhere.
The downstairs 1/2 bathroom had shelves too. And hand towel racks and a legit TP holder. I gave the bamboo away. On the up side, our new half bathroom is a lot bigger.
Oh tree through the fence on the balcony. You are my favorite, and the reason I choose that condo in the first place 🙂 You can see the Budget truck down there!
Comments & Reviews
It is attached to the wall… Would have made huge holes in the wall and tricky to re hang in our new place.
Happy to hear I'm not the only one! Are you still in FL? Anywhere near fort Lauderdale 🙂
Thank you for the ideas!
Yeah — my mom re-arranged my bedroom while I was on my honeymoon. I still had stuff to pack, so I was a bit pissed. But the plan was for her to use my newer bedroom furniture because I wasn't taking it with me, and she wasn't going to wait on me to get the job done. So, my bedroom was never quite the same, but I did go back and stay there a few times and it was nice to sleep in my old bed. Still sad.
Yeah, we'll probably do the shower door, but we have so many things on the list, that item will stay at the bottom. We completely remodeled our kitchen over the summer, things still need to be done. We have a half-completeed laundry room. Ah…
Hi. I hope that you are able to find soem positive ways to create a space in your new place that is as wonderful as your last place. I have enjoyed reading your blog for the imporvements you made. In regards to toilet storage have you seen these. They are great!!!
Plus you can take them with you when you go. I am looking forward to hearing how you resolve the "no permanent structures" problem.
Good luck.
If or more likely, when my parents move out of their house… I will be super sad! Even though my mom gave my bedroom a makeover days after I moved out 8 years ago it is still my room and my bathroom!
The glass shower is not a huge deal… you can certainyl still add one! Y'all should go for it! You need a tile drill bit and waterproof caulk… I remember that much!
aww thanks… we try 🙂 And together is a wonderful place to be!
Oh, do I ever talk about our first home! We moved to Bradenton, Fl. (we worked in St. Petersburg). We loved the location but hated to be so far away from home. We are on our third house now, but we talk about each one all the time. At least, now we agree that we are in our forever home…so much so…that we put a pool in last summer!
Why didn't you take your desk with you? So sad to leave it there! We just have a shower curtain – I actually like it better then doors.
It wasn't a big deal for me, my last move, because I got married and moved from my mom's apartment to my husband's house. The thing that still bothers me, is that my mom moved from that apartment (where we lived for 15 years) to her own house. So, it's sad that I can never go "home" when I visit her. Her new home, is her's and she loves it. But it's nothing like walking in to my old bedroom. 🙁 And, because I couldn't be there during the process, with a small baby at the time, I didn't get to take my own pictures. She took some, which I haven't seen, but I would have highlighted what was important for me. I guess with some things, we are just forced to move on. I am, afterall, in my own house with my husband and daughter and we're happy. But I do miss the place I spent half my life.
Shower curtains: When we redid our "master bath" we intended on a glass shower door, and it never happened. But, it's not like it still can't happen. I'll have to add that to the list of "things to do around the house!".
Y'all are the cutest couple EVER! You're right, it is such a weird feeling moving out of a place you've lived a while. It's excitement, happiness, and sadness all rolled up into one. As long as you are with the person you love, it doesn't matter where you live. It's not the house that makes the memories! Good luck in Florida…go start making some wonderful new memories!!!