You’ve seen the beach inspired baby shower invites and the crepe paper flowers, so here is the whole sha-bang. For the next 2 weeks, I am going to give the nitty, gritty beach inspired, baby shower details… it’s going to be thrilling or hopefully, at least, make you want to grab your flip flops and lay on the beach!
and just for fun, here is the madness in progress…
Do you like party planning? What is your favorite part? Are you more into food or decor? I clearly like decor better! What’s the best party you’ve ever been to and what made it so great? Food, games, decor, company, combo? I would love to hear your thoughts…
Want more baby shower goodness, check out these posts:
Comments & Reviews
First of all, I love this party! I am TOTALLY stealing your hanging beach ball idea!
Also, I love party planning in general. I love both- deocr and food, and using food as decor- ha! 🙂
And still thinking on the best party I've been to… hmmm… I think the things that make a party great are the personal touches- the ones that are just for the guest of honor (gourmet chocolate for the sweet tooth, or decor that can be reused for a baby's nursery or a theme tailored to the personality or interests of the guest of honor, for example). Pretty much I love parties- haha!
Again, you did such a great job on this one!
kirstin @ kojo
i love the who's who game! and so themely used!
This is seriously a great baby shower!! SO many cute ideas. You really did a fantastic job. How did you find the energy to come to I <3 Thrifting Day?
I totally agree! The initial thought is so overwhelming…!
I don't like party planning in the initial stages, but once the ideas start coming BOY do they start coming, and then it's wicked fun! I love the wedding shower we threw for my sister – no real theme, but bright, colorful, and pretty. Plus she loved it, so score!