This is a simple way to use what you’ve got and organize your stuff 🙂 I will be making more of these little guys very soon…
b e f o r e
Materials: boxes, magazines, double sided quilt tape, hot glue gun, and modge podge
i n p r o g r e s s
1: Cut the flaps off of your boxes
2: Modge Podge magazine pages to the boxes
3: Hot glue double sided quilt tape around the top.
a f t e r
4. Organize stuff
I decided to let them live under my sink…I am going to make some more for craft supplies!
[sidenote] One of the boxes I used was the box for this fun little clock…it makes me happy so I thought I would share 🙂
Comments & Reviews
Wow! What a great idea! I love how it came out! I really enjoyed my tour in your blog! 🙂
I have been using shoe boxes covered with contact paper for storage for YEARS,,, free is always the best. I also am CURRENTLY using an egg container to store my earrings and such in, but will be changing that around soon 🙂
I like this idea–I'm going to try it with some old book pages and vintage images.
Great recyling ideas!
Great way to make the boxes look better. So nice when everything is in one spot and organized.
I love that you used magazine pages and how you trimmed the top. Free storage is the best. Thanks for linking again.
Great idea!!!Thanks for sharing! ann
Really great idea. There is always a box or two around why not use them to organize. You are so smart.
Why haven't I thought of that *smacking forehead*. I'm so glad you posted this, thank you.
So cute! I'm gona show my daughter, she's an avid recycler.
Great blog – I found you on SST.