It seems like everyone I work with is pregnant! It is sad when they go on maternity leave, and I don’t get to see them every day! I made 2 of my favorite pregnant co-workers 2 of these little onesies and wrapped ’em up with my favorite baby books by Sandra Boynton
C.R.A.F.T. #69: DIY Baby Onesies
Also need: drop cloth, plastic gloves [I got the tye die kit 1/2 off after Halloween!]
[I did 2 styles of tie-dye…1: Crinkle 2: Fade]
Style #1: Crinkle
Step One #1: Lay onesie on drop cloth and crinkle.
Step #2: Follow directions on your tie dye. Squirt dye all over onesie.
Style #2: Fade
I only did one fade…I wish I would have done more!
Fade involves adding water to your dye bottle…which is why you have to think it out and do all of your fades at once 🙂 I love how the one turned out!
Style #3: Boy Scout Patch
The onesies came in a pack of 5…so for the 5th one I decided to do something a little different and it turned out to be my favorite one! This onesie had no mess and was super simple. I bought a boy scout shirt at Good Will a long time knowing I would use the patches for something cute 🙂 All I did was sew on the little patch.
Which style is your favorite?
Comments & Reviews
These are adorable! I love your innovative ideas for updating a plain onesie. The tie-dye is super cute!
So cute! I am giving you the stylish blogger award! Dropping by from Simple As 1-2-3~
My husband tells me not to drink the water at work for that very reason.
I did this for a friend but used washable iron-ons and they were a great hit! The only advice I would offer is to get a couple of different sizes if you are going to do a few of them. Her baby ended up coming a couple weeks late and didn't fit into any of the onesies I made for very long if at all.
Those are so cute! I am loving all the different onesie ideas I am seeing because I too know a ton of women that are pregnant. I made a tie onesie a while ago and absolutely love your Cub Scout onesie 🙂
Cute idea! I always love tie-dye. Cute, cheap and great!
So many people I know are pregnant too! What a cute idea!