This is my first official Word Press blog post. Hallelujah! If you’re reading this, you found me… thank you for coming over!
Please let me know if you are having any probelms with feeds, links, or whatever else might be wrong. I want to take a moment to show you around the new and (hopefully) improved site…
Everything you might need on C.R.A.F.T. is in the upper right hand corner… (minus the “get C.R.A.F.T. by e-mail box). That’s at the bottom of the right side bar.
You can follow C.R.A.F.T. 7 different ways by clicking any of those red circles at the top. You can search C.R.A.F.T. with the handy search up there in the header too, and the navigation bar is 5 simple buttons with fun little pull down menus. If you want to browse C.R.A.F.T. tutorials, roll your cursor over the C.R.A.F.T. tab…
You can find C.R.A.F.T. tutorials, KID C.R.A.F.T. tutorials, SEASONAL C.R.A.F.T. tutorials, or a list of all the links to C.R.A.F.T. (TRIPS). I’m going to make a freebie tab too 🙂
I think that’s all for now. Phew. It’s been a long, slightly nerve racking day, but here we are… working the WP thang. I’m banking on the learning curve kicking in any day now. So, starting on Monday, I’m going to share the nitty gritty WP switching details. Here is a look at a (tentative) schedule.
- Monday night (after M.M.M.): Why I decided to make the blogger to WP leap and WP research
- Tuesday: WP themes, hosting options and costs (I am using blue host.)
- Wednesday: The blog design process with Kira @ Her New Leaf (She just opened Primp my Blog for all your design needs!)
- Thursday: A step by step of my WP to blogger switch.
- Friday: Advice for a new blogger thinking about switching to WP
If you have any specific questions… please leave them in the comments and I will try my best to find you an answer. The first 26 months of my blog life, I used blogger because in my head, WP was a scary, expensive, mysterious monster that I wanted to play with, but was too scared to touch!
What do you think of C.R.A.F.T.’s makeover? Are you on WP or Blogger or another platform? Are you thinking about switching
Comments & Reviews
congrats! it looks great! i’ve been contemplating a move but i’ve been too lazy and afraid to change, but it looks like your move went perfectly 😉
Looks fantastic! I love reading about people who are happy with their decision to switch. Makes me feel a little less like I’m out of my mind : ) Do you use Windows Live Writer. I use it now with blogger, just curious how it is with wordpress. Have a great day!
Good job. Bet you learned a lot. I just use the free wordpress, so does my mom. She writes every day. I write occasionally, but always intend to write regularly. Enjoy your projects.
Hi! The new site looks awesome! And i am SO excited that you will be sharing some about your process. I’ve been trying to make the switch for weeks is a little scary!
Hi Jamie! The new site looks fabulous in Internet Explorer! However, I just wanted to give you a heads up–the new layout doesn’t display right with Chrome or Firefox (at least not for me!). You might want to have that checked out. I usually follow your blog through Google Reader and the images weren’t working. It looks fantastic though–good work! WordPress is awesome once you get the hang of it!
Looks fine for me in both Firefox and Chrome! Maybe you’re using an older version?
No issues, and it looks nice. I’m still getting you in my Google Reader. Congrats! J.
It looks awesome!! You can be my WP transfer buddy!! 😉 Whoo!!
Brave girl! Looks like it went smoothly – congrats on the *new* blog!
I think it looks great Jamie!
Thanks! I’m lovin’ how easy it is to reply to comments!!