space or a small budget! [or both]
Materials: String of lights, paper, safety pins, tacks
1: Finding a good spot is important. I choose this wall because it has an outlet, and a smoke detector 🙂 (The smoke detector become the tree topper!)
2: Use tacks to tack corners of the tree into place. I only used 6 tacks on the entire tree.
3: Time for ornaments! [Let the kids make these!] I cut circles out of scrapbook paper, and used a safety pin to attach them to the string of lights.
The BF attaching his ornament 🙂
4: Make a tree topper. I am not totally in love with mine. I will probably experiment with a few more before I choose one 🙂
The hole in the star is for the smoke detector!
Comments & Reviews
wonderful tree
i did this same exact thing for my bedroom!…i ended up using white corded lights!…i think i like it better than my actual tree that's downstairs!…