Earth day is Sunday, April 22 and since I like to Create Really Awesome Free Things I figured Earth day needed some free love too. I wish I could claim I made this clever little saying up, but I most certainly stole it and it’s stuck in my head for quite some time now (kid’s t-shirt?). Any who, I googled “owl doodle” and found this fun site. I doodled one the owls, took a picture and uploaded it to Microsoft word. I made most of my printables in Word. (I know, I know… we even have Photoshop on our computer!). I printed and framed it, added it to the wall of fame frames 🙂 I might even get a map pencil and color it in a little. I take that back, I have no idea where the map pencils are hiding in my closet ginormous heap of craft crap.
Comments & Reviews
oopsie… thank you for letting me know! I changed it 🙂
That's very nice. I should do this with my son's drawing… Later
Earth Day is the 22nd not the 23rd.
That was Woodsy Owl's motto back in the 70's.(I'm old enough to remember. hehehe)