I was hoping the magic unpacking fairy would appear in the middle of the night, but no… We woke up to this disaster in the living room.
- 3 end tables- gone
- funky part of a sectional (white thing above)- gone
- old, super heavy, couch bed- gone
- round coffee table- gone
- side table that reminds me of a harp- gone
- broken bar- last minute I pulled it out of the gone pile- keeper
- cane chair with stains- keeper
- 2 dressers- keepers
The wooden table and 2 chairs by the window is the one thing he bought himself at a thrift store for $50 before everyone started dropping off their hammy downs!
You can see the table better in this picture. We worked all day Tuesday on getting things pseudo usable and the big pieces in place:
By the end of Tuesday it looked like this, much better than it did 24 hours before!
Tomorrow I’m going to introduce you to 360, the only piece of furniture I’ve ever built. She got a makeover and looks fabulous! She was brown before…you can see her sitting behind the futon in the living room pictures.
Comments & Reviews
LUCKY YOU!!! We are still in the process of packing and getting rid of some furnitures at the same time…I am so worn out! By next week we can finally (woohoo!) start moving….Cant wait to see your 360 tomorrow!!
Good Job!
Have a Great day!!!
Luisa May @ VotreAmie
I feel for you! We have moved more times than I care to think about! The one good thing is that I got rid of stuff with each move (of course then I make up for it after we're settled)
Jamie, y'all are making progress! The floors in your new place are GORGEOUS!!! Not to mention the VIEW – whoa!!! I know you'll make it fabulously great! Best wishes each and every day!
Jamie it is looking great. That view is amazing and I am completely jealous, not only of that but the warm weather. I'm from Michigan and it is chilly here 🙁 . . . either way congrats on your move and hope you and Andy are all settled in.
looks like you're getting there! love the balc! i'm slightly embarrassed to admit that we have not only hand me down furniture, but also what we lovingly have termed *curb furniture* in our apartment…like as in furniture that we picked up off the curb in the college town where we live when the students move out..
ah the joys of unpacking. I have done it so many times now. I moved to Denver for a job, took the weekend off to move, and the monday after. That allowed me to get all the "need" items to be unboxed and put away, along with getting groceries! I have become a packing and unpacking freak. Not looking forward to it again, but if I must so be it.
Jamie, I am so loving this play by play…it's entertaining and fabulous…it's like watching a show on tv LOL 🙂 Your place is so cute and your view is gorgeous! Looks like you guys are making some serious headway..you go girl!