This new house thing is like the book You Give a Mouse a Cookie. We got a house, but who knew you needed all of this other stuff. Rakes, shovels, lawn mowers, hedge trimmers… no one told me we had to buy all that junk! Another thing we had to have was a washer and dryer. No more sharing a washer and dryer with 2 whole floors of our building, like we did in Florida! So, Andy and I took a little trip to Home Depot to look at washers and dryers and quickly discovered that not all washers and dryers are made the same. Uh oh. What to do now? How about post on C.R.A.F.T. Facebook to see what everyone has to say about the big dilemma oh and of course, ask my mama! Top loader, front loader, steam options, heck on our first trip to look at washers and dryers we didn’t even know if we had gas or electric hook ups in our house.
If you’re in the market for a new washer and dryer, this post is for you!
Pros and cons of a front loader:
- Smell and mold issues from the door seal (newer models offer 2 closing devices, one for when the machine is in use and one for when it is not in use)
- Steam options can eliminate dry cleaning costs
- Typically requires less water to wash clothes since the drum does not have to filled and re filled. Lots of resources claim front loaders use a third less water per cycle.
- Typically larger drums
- Has the ability to be stacked with dryer (I like this!)
- Must use HE detergent
- You can’t do a last minute lid open to throw in the kitchen dish towels (Boo!)
- Doesn’t get out of balance, like a top loader occasionally does
- Have to bend over to put clothes inside
- Typically have longer wash cycles between 60- 90 minutes (not a fan of this!)
- No agitator, use gravity to was clothes
- Removes more water in the final spin cycle, requiring less drying time and saving bacon!
Pros and cons of a top loader:
- No need to clean seals (I mean who wants to wash your washer!)
- Proven to be rougher on clothes (assuming there is an agitator)
- Typically a little cheaper than front loaders
- If you have knee or back problems, top loader is better. But, you’re still going to have to bend over for the dryer!
- Can not stack (unless you buy the small, space saver stacking machines).
- You can soak things in a top loader
- Typically have shorter cycles between 30-50 minutes
- Use more water and energy
- Typically, you do not have to use HE detergent
As far as dryers go, we just went with a good deal, ha! The two things we did consider were electric vs. gas and a sensor drying option. We had the option to use either gas or electric with our current set up. After we started looking, we found out that Austin is giving a $225 mail in rebate on gas dryers. Sold! We choose a gas dryer. And gas is more efficient than electric, saving money. Another thing we wanted was sensor drying.
So, there you have it… all of our considerations when trying to decide between the top loader or front loader washing machine dilemma and our 2 simple considerations for dryer buying! What do you prefer: Top loader or front loader? Do you always buy matching machines? I’ll tell you what we ended up with and what we think of it real soon! Oh and if you want more info, here are 30+ opinions of washer/ dryer brands and preferences!
* UPDATE: Here are the deets on the washer and dryer we chose!
Comments & Reviews
Does anyone have issues with Samsung moving around during a small load? Got a new Samsung 3.9 cu ft Front loader, with Vibration control, steam etc.. and it moves so far, I had to put a beach towel between my counter and the machine so when it runs into the counter, it doesnt get dented or scratched. Best Buy is going to replace it.. i just dont know what to get.. should i go with a HE Top Loader? I do think the front loaders ( previously had a GE) are very easy on clothing and i dont want to start seeing my clothes wear faster.. Any advice appreciated!
My Kenmore Elite (Whirlpool) washing machine starting leaking. I was trying to decide if it was worth it to fix it or to just buy a new one. I paid $450 9 1/2 years ago. ( I really wanted to have a front loader at the time because they looked so modern, but decided on a top loader after I read about all the problems with the front loaders. I have never had to have my washing machine repaired in those 9 1/2 years. I was thinking that at $50 dollars a year cost ($450 divided by 10 years), that I would be better off just buying a new washing machine. But after reading all of your comments, I am now thinking I would be better off fixing it. It doesn’t seem that anyone likes the locking lid feature. I realize that someone must have been injured by the spin cycle, for which I am truly sorry. However, if I followed this logic, we should outlaw automobiles, airplanes, kitchen knives, stoves and playgrounds outright. It is all very frustrating.
Front loader cons: cannot ‘soak’ clothes clean because lower water levels don’t stay in drum. For that same reason, cannot dye fabrics. My LG often went off balance; anytime I washed a large item such as blanket or quilt I would have to reposition it multiple times, pulling it out to position it while it is sopping wet. (It’s not large enough for two items to keep it balanced.) It always retained water somewhere in it, and my clothes always smelled foul. Don’t be mislead – it is brutal on clothes in terms of stretching. As it gently gets ready to spin, clothes drop from the top and sleeves get arranged in different areas leading to stretching and twisting. Badly.
I bought a used, old agitator and finally my clothes are clean and fresh smelling again!!! Never going back to a front loader.
I recently bought a front loader Electrolux perfect steam I do not like there is not enough water I feel like it will not clean my clothes enough, am I right,? We were always taught to use a lot of soap and water
I would never ever again by a front load, i have despised this “top of the line” overpriced piece of garbage beyond belief. They are loud,smelly and simply dont use enough water to clean clothes like a top loader.
DONT waste your money!!! Im not cheap, i spend tonnes of money on everything i just simply hate front loaders
I have had a GE front loader for the last 5 years and I am looking to replace it with a top loader. (the only reason I haven’t yet is because I’m too stuborn to abondon the investment I put into it!) It constantly get’s out of balance with towels, comforters, or other heavy items and when it does, it sounds like someone is hitting the washer with a sledge hammer. Worse yet, when it tries to automatically rebalance, it starts the rince cycle over again, and there is no way to over-ride this “feature!”. It will restart several times before “timing out” and stopping with very wet clothes, causing me to use a longer dryer cycle. My loads use way more time, water and electricity than they need because of these continuous restarts. I also learned early on that I had to leave the door open or at least cracked to allow the machine to dry out between use, so as to avoid the moldy smell.
I’ve had GE repair out twice and they’ve replaced the drum, the balancers, the internal springs and shocks, but nothing corrects a seemingly inherent design flaw in front loaders.
Cliff, we had the same issue with our GE Front loader. The repairman was out to repair our Microwave so we had him listen to a load of wash and he said the bearing is going. If you are hearing loud noise during the spin, the bearing is about to break and that is a 500.00 repair. I replaced it the machine with a Samsung and well, not too happy – it spins quietly but walks around on smaller loads. It balances things out but with a small load it might move 3-4 inches… just the rear moves. We called Best Buy ( where we bought it) and they said we can come in and pick something else out. I am honestly thinking of a HE top loader but not sure what to do.. seeing concerns on line about Top Loaders being hard on clothes. Anyway, I did have good luck using Afresh in my GE washer and i always left the door open. I HAD to be sure not to leave wet clothes in over night or for several hours …. i have some towels that got the mildew smell and it never went away. But my washer didnt small ok i did use Afresh about 1/month. The machine was only 6.25 years old when the bearing issues started.. so if you are on a protection plan, i recommend you get that fixed now. Why is getting a washing machine to work well so difficult?
We’ve had a Kenmore Front loader for the last 9 years, not problems with it until recently the draining motor went out. I really don’t understand how you can’t put last minute clothing items in the washing machine after it started because I did it all the time. Maybe we just lucked out on this particular model.
I seriously hate front load washers… they do NOT clean as well, every so often you get that funky smell (despite having to leave the door open – which I don’t like doing because the dryer is on top and it isn’t good on the joints), and like another poster said – they definitely DO get out of balance! Sometimes I think it is my neighbour making a racket but its the stupid washing machine banging around! and even when you use a HE detergent, I always have to have the extra rinse cycle on, and even then I still sometimes put it through another cycle because the soap doesn’t get rinsed out. I miss how clean and fresh laundry used to be!
I HAAATTTEEE Front Loaders! I think that the person who made it paid others to say that the front loaders clean as well as the top loaders to get it to start selling! The first time I washed laundry using the front loader, I realized the socks that I had put in there were still stained! It does not clean at all! Another time, my kid got sick and threw up all over the place and when I washed the towels, clothes, etc, the smell did not go away! How gross is that! I had to keep using it since I bought the useless piece of junk! Now I only throw little bit of laundry at a time n press the extra water. Also my mom has a top loader and when I go over visit her I wash my clothes n sure enough, the socks comes out lot cleaner! Never buy the front loader!
I have a front loader and to me I would so not spend the extra money on them and if it ever breaks down i will go back to top loader! Mine does not wash my husbands work pants to well still seem dirty after i was them so i put it to the test and took a load to my moms and washed and sure enough they came cleaner than in my front loader!
In July I purchased a Kenmore top loader. I was really surprised when it arrived and it also had a computer. Well I haVE BEEN ABOUT TO PULLL OUT MY hair. It takes thid machine about 30 minutes to fill. you cannot leave things to soak because the thing empties if you leave it . I hVE CALLED THE REPAIRMAN I HOPE HE CAN HELP TO SOLVE THIS PROBLEM. I REALLY WISH I WOULD HAVE SPENT THE MONEY TO FIX MY OLD MACHINE. I THINK THIS THING HAD TO BE DESIGNED BY MAN WHO DOEN’T KNOW A THING ABOUT WASHING CLOTHES.
Jamie – thank you for starting this thread … and to all the ladies/anonymous posters here, thank you as well! I am a single, busy heterosexual male who (like most) qualifies his laundry needs by picking up items from the floor and sniffing them. My laundry room is upstairs, with the fixtures arranged for the washer to go on the right (which is apparently opposite industry norm). When my dryer went kaput two weeks ago, I started researching replacement options. My first trip to the applicance store ended in utter confusion, with salespersons and random shoppers actually fighting with each other over what would be best for this pathetic single guy. After reading the comments here, and knowing myself as I do, there is little doubt that I should go top load (perhaps even the Cabrio that Teresa mentioned). Phew …
Glad you found the post helpful, Steve!
We have a front-loader and I haaaaate it. I miss my cheap-o top-loader.
And my front-loader is actually out-of-balance, so I’m thinking that it’s a myth that they can’t be!
I have a front loader, and I always seem to forget something. I pause the load, wait 5 seconds for the door to unlock and throw the item in the wash and continue the load. I did the same with my last washing machine too.
Good to know that you can do that!
We recently replaced our machine with a GE Top Loader and I LOVE it! It’s quiet and washes unbelievably well. It has an agitator but b/c of it’s size 4.5CU it doesn’t matter. I am not a fan of front loaders at all and have had one too many friends have so many issues with leaking and mildew build up in theirs.
Which GE do you have please?
I think you already know how I feel about this;) But just remember we will be old one day with achy backs!
We just bought a new washer b/c the one that came w/ the house broke on us after 2 years. The (broken) one was a front loader and it smelled moldy and the water that emptied into the utility sink smelled like rotten eggs. I wanted to go back to a top load because you can soak things in it. And, like you mentioned, you can toss things in at the last second. Loved that at our other house. But I wanted to do a laundry room remodel, something cute that I had seen several different ways on Pinterest, with the countertop over the washer/dryer. Can’t do that with the top load. And I would miss the extra space I’d get in a tight room. So we crossed our fingers and went with an LG front load. Plays a cute little tune when laundry is done (an amusement to my kids, but not a deciding factor when we bought it). I will keep the door open after the loads, and it has a clean cycle I’ll use. Good luck, there are a lot of things to consider.
Seems to me that if you had a front loading machine you would be bending over and stooping down all the time. That might not sound bad to you youngsters but my back says NO. What I like in a machine is simplicity. Less things to go wrong. Give me NORMAL, DELICATE, HOT, and COLD. Oh yeah. If I had one of those fancy dancy machines I’d have to read the instructions manual too and that is something I’d put off and put off.
We have the Samsung front loader and dryer and LOVE them! Had them for 3 years.
–I ALWAYS leave the door open after I finish the wash and have never (in 3 years) had mold or a moldy smell.
–My machine has a “quick wash” cycle that takes 34 mins – I use that for 90% of our laundry and it cleans very well.
– If I forget an item I hit the pause button and the door unlocks and I add the garment –
— I dont have to bend over to load them as we bought the pedestals to sit them on – they are the perfect height!
— our dryer has a steam setting and wrinkle remover setting which both work great – I hate to iron!!!
Def get front loaders!!!!
My fiance and I just moved into our own place (still a rental!) finally lol. And have the same problem! Having to buy new washer, fridge, mower etc. I bought a front loader Samsung and it’s been brilliant so far, though only had it about two weeks. I’ve used front loaders and top loaders before and I don’t really mind either, although the energy and water saving is great for the front loaders. Cleaning out the vents/seals isn’t a problem for me as I don’t mind cleaning! Haha. I always leave the door ajar for a few hours after using so it doesn’t smell though. The friggen thing spins at like 1200 rpm in the spin cycle and makes a huge racket sometimes! Haha. One thing that does suck is the cotton cycle goes for 2 hours! But, I still love it 🙂
I have had to make peace with my front loader: I do the bleach thing AND leave the door ajar when not in use; I’ve had to learn to plan well and be okay with not being able to throw in last minute items; we have a pedestal for it that has a drawer, so it’s higher off the ground-LOVE having a place to put my sprays and detergents. It’s less than 8 years old, and we’ve already had to have the repair guy come out a few times.Boo. We got the Kenmore HE because we were advised that it’s the best brand, but have since learned that most of the big Home Depot/Lowes brands are under one umbrella company and don’t differ that much in quality. Our next machine will have minimal bells and whistles, ideally no computer, which probably means we’ll have to buy a 25 year old washer!
I just bought a Speed Queen washer, the last of the NON heavily government regulated washing machines. Speed Queen will have to comply with govt regulations next year, so this it it, last of the old school: no computer, no locking lids, no cold water thrown in with the hot to conserve energy. All other manufacturers have complied over the last 1-1.5 years. Two FULL days of research, and I was shocked that I couldn’t buy a non locking lid (TROUBLE) or one without an auto temp sensor (to throw in cold water with the hot to save the planet). Apparently, according to the government, I am living quite dangerously.
Becky.. How do you like your speed queen??? I’m thinking of getting one before they change the regulations!!!!
I know everyone either loves or hates their machines, but I love my Cabrio. It’s a top loader, He, no agitator and no funky smell. I wanted a front loader originally but when I saw the Cabrio I was hooked. It uses less water and energy, it has sensors that add water based on weight, etc, so you don’t have to worry about using too much water on a load that you guessed wrong on the size….it spins the clothes so well they are almost dry when you take them out sometimes, which saves on time spent drying. It does get unbalanced sometimes, but I expect that with heavy comforters and blankets. We have three cats so I am always washing those.
I did get the matching dryer and it has sensor drying which is amazingly accurate. That helps on energy bills as well. I do wish I had steam and I do love how you can add counters above front loaders, but not enough to trade in my set. I have had mine for quite a few years and would get the same in a heartbeat.
We have a front loader, and for the most part I really like it. I do miss being able to pop the top and throw something in that I’d forgotten, though. And if you are ever going to experiment with iDye fabric dye, it’s a LOT more complicated in a front loader than a top loader.
I agree! Not throwing something in at the last minute is a bummer!
throwing something in “at the last minute” is unsanitary.
You can however do it with both front and top during the first segments of the wash. With most models anyway.
We have a Maytag Neptune stackable washer and dryer (unfortunately, our washer and dryer is in our kitchen, one of the things I dislike the most about this house). The dryer is fine, but the washer gets mold and smells funny. We also had a problem where not all of the water would drain out. We replaced the seal and a couple of other things (rather than buy a new washer) and that fixed the water drainage problem. We use Affresh, but it doesn’t get rid of all of the mold. Whenever we buy a new washer, it will be a top loader. I never thought about the above comment about front loaders not getting whites as clean, but it’s true. Our white towels are rather dingy.
Has to be a front loader. More space to put stuff on top.
Hi Jamie – I’m glad you asked 🙂 I can’t stand my front end loader when it comes to whites and towels. It doesn’t clean as well because it uses less water and it doesn’t have an agitator . I’m going to buy another washer to put into my garage for white loads and other loads needing heavy duty attention. We have gone through so many whites it’s ridiculous. Sheets and towels look terrible. I wish someone would have told me before I purchased. I don’t see a difference at all in energy savings or light bill. Plus, the washer stinks like something awful 🙁
Everyone has varying opinions. 3 ladies at my church feels the exact way as I do.
Good Luck!
Good to know!
I have had my front load washer about 6 years and cannot stand it. I would not give 10 cents for another one just like it. It is a Whirlpool Duet. If a washer does not clean the whites like a top load then it certainly doesn’t do any better on the other loads either. I miss the agitator and clean clothes. I have to wash a load for 72 minutes to get them clean now, so the energy efficiency thing is out the window. It might use less water, but twice the electricity (which is more expensive!) I fail to see how less water is a good thing. As soon as I can afford to get a new top load, this front load is outta here!
I think the problem you americans seem to have is lack of knowledge how to actually use the product.
Some of the cheapest front loaders often have fewer features, but still adequate.
1. You can adjust the amount of water, temperature, rpm. If you cant choose the specifi cycle/program.
Just as with top loader, you should leave the door open to dry when not in use… This limits funkyness.
And of course once in a while it is good to use the “service cycle” (hot water).
Front loaders dont only clean better and faster. It does it with 1/3 the amount of water, and often half the amount electricity. It comes down to reading the manual and common sense!
No offense!
I can adjust the temp and rpm but not the water amount. I have been happy with mine for the most part. The couple of problems I have is with young children and potty training we have accidents and I have to repeat long wash cycle at least twice to remove urine smell from bedding or clothing. The other thing is even on a delicate wash some material seems to get caught in the arms and then I end up with little holes and the shirt is ruined. Most other complaints that are common can be worked out.
Jamie, I have top loading, HE washer that I love. It does not have an agitator, so is gentler and has more room. It can get a little funky as far as smell (typical of HE washers), but all you need to do is run an empty load with bleach on “clean washer” and it’s all good. I’ve had it for 6 years now, and love it…let me know if you want more info!