This isn’t exactly a craft post, but it is very important information especially if you are a soon to be grandmother! Or pregnant, and have a crazy mom who can not decide on a Grandma name. My mom was and still is very concerned about what she will be called by Maxwell, her first grand baby. After lots of research, I put together a list of 61 Grandma names so my mom had a plethora of options, ha!
UPDATE: My kids are now 2 and 4 years old and they call my mom, Nana. This was her 4th choice, haha! G, Momsie, and Bubbie were her first 3 choices, but they didn’t last. I’m sorry to say future grandparent reading this list, but those adorable little grandchildren of yours are going to help you make that grandma name decision real quick!
63 Nicknames for Grandma
I asked the ever pressing question on C.R.A.F.T. Facebook: “What do you and your kids call your grandparents?” I got a ton of fun responses so I decided to make a big ol’ list of cool grandmother names. (See the original facebook thread with lots of commentary here.)
17 Other Names for Grandma
1. Grandmother
2. Granny
3. Grand (and her name) – For example, Grand Martha (This is my paternal grandma’s name!)
4. Gramma
5. Grammy or Grammie
6. Gram
7. Grand mom
8. Gran
9. Gigi
10. G-bomb
11. Gaggy
12. G
13. G-ma
14. Grammers
15. Grandma + First letter of name
16. Big Grandma
17. Little Grandma
International Grandma Names
Grandmas are loved around the world! What do they call Grandma in other countries? My husbands family is Polish and all of his cousins call his Grandma Busha.
18. Busha, Busia, Babushka, Babcia – Polish
19. NaiNai – Chinese
20. Yamma – Icelandic
21. Bomma – Flemmish
22. Yaya – Greek
23. Nonna – Italian
24. Abuela – Spanish
25. Bubbe – Yiddish and Hebrew
26. Lola – Filipino
27. Oma – German
28. Grand Mere – French
Grandmother names that start with M
29. Marmie
30. Maw Maw or Mawmaw
31. Meema or Memaw or Meemaw
32. Mimi
33. Mims
34. Momo
35. Momoo
36. Mom mom
37. Momsie
38. Memere
Grandma names that start with N
39. Naunie
40. Nana
41. Nanny
42. Nani
43. Nonna
44. Neena
45. Nonnie
Cute Names for Grandma
46. Bella
47. Birdie
48. Bunny
49. Cookie
50. Foxy
51. Gaga
52. Graham Cracker
53. Glamma
54. Glam Ma
55. Honey
56. Lolly (and of course Grandpa would be Pop!)
57. Lovey
58. Mambo
59. Minnie
60. Queenie
61. Tootsie
62. Yaya
63. Gimmy (Like Kimmy, but with a G.)
I did another questioner on facebook, and here are tons more different names for Grandma. What do you call your Grandma and Grandpa? Or if you are a Grandma or Grandpa, what do you want to be called? I’d love to hear your Grandma names!
If you’re a new Grandma, here are some crafts to do with littles:
Comments & Reviews
I’m a recent new grandmother and I really don’t care to be called Grandma. But my son does not like any nick names. We were calling my husband PaPa and he doesn’t like that either. He says when the baby can talk he can decide. I like Na-nie. or most any names over Grandma. Any advice?
My mom wanted to be “Nana” from the get go and our first son referred to my dad as “GaGa”. One day out of nowhere my dad introduced his bride as Lady GaGa…..”seriously Dad”! They both passed in 2020 at the ages of 87 & 91
First grandchild (boy) arriving in April….
when my granddaughter Milan was born i started calling her Mimi when she learned to talk she started calling me Mimi…now we are both Mimi
That is pretty sweet 🙂
A Texas Southern Grandmother name is “NANIE”pronounced Na~nie Could you please add this to your list so my Daughter in laws can spell it right!! Thank you, Gwen Buckner
My name is Kimberly, called Kim, nicknamed are Kimmy(ie) from friends and Sissy or Sissy Kim from the younger cousins.
Any suggestions, I’m leaning towards, Ami, Gemma, Gams, Nonni, or YaYa
Just curious what you decided on? A few close friends call me Kimmie, so I am learning toward Gimmie, but I like Gams, too.
my grandfather went by gang gang
my mother when she became a grandmother went by gang Woofie as wolf was her maiden name
First time grandmother and I was Grandmommy to start… which I adore. But, my granddaughter is now two and I wanted something more simple for her to say. My ex is PopPop, which she can easily say. So, I decided on GaGa which I found on a list of Southern grandmother names. She now calls me GaGa all day long! She loves and I love it!