What is Chinese New Year: The ancient Chinese used a lunar calendar. On a lunar calendar, the new year begins the first night of the new moon after the sun enters Aquarius. This date is anywhere between January 20 and February 19 (on a solar calendar).
According to Natalie Walker, the Eve of the New Year is the most strictly observed part of the holiday. At the strike of midnight, the celebrating really begins. The sky is filled with fireworks and the streets are filled with people wishing each other a happy new year. New Years Eve and the first three days of the new year are officially observed as a holiday. During this time the majority of businesses shut down for the celebrating. The spirit of celebration lasts through the Festival of Lanterns on the 15th day of the new year.
This is a video from my second night ever in Beijing… The fireworks truly light up the sky for 7 nights! Safety is not a huge concern.
BF and I on the construction site in Beijing. |
Comments & Reviews
im a rat too. thats all i know though.
How awesome to have spent Chinese New Year in China. Would love to do that someday!
Thanks so much for sharing, from a fellow rat!
I'm a rat too!! Whooo Hoooo! Your picture are all so pretty & happy!
I get to be a horse 🙂
And your first picture made me happy–so bright and cheery!!!