- Research and buy new dishes (I had no idea there were so many kinds… stone ware, fiesta ware, Corelle, porcelain, bone ware!) (read more here)
- Container for bag spices in the large food cabinet
- Container for Tassimo pods to clear out the bottom shelf of the small food cabinet
- A home for pot holders and kitchen towels
- Deal with the random stuff on top of the cabinets
- Get rid of/ organize random stuff next to dresser
- Clean out and organize the dresser
- Buy and mount a paper towel holder
As renters, we probably won’t take the $15 paper towel rack with us, but the pod drawer… he’ll come with us where ever we go. Renting makes having a cute, organized house tricky. Do you buy and install stuff in your rental that you know you want take with you? Do you save Box Tops for Education? Have you built a door organizer and want to share any tips with me? Have you moved stuff around lately to discover it’s so much better now? What color should I paint that door? I need some help with decision making, and Andy doesn’t seem to have an opinion about this one!
Comments & Reviews
Thanks, you showed me great ideas. I’m so excited to finally have the opportunity to freshen up and organize my own kitchen cabinets.
As far as boxtops…yes, our preschool class collects them BIG TIME! I have two classes totalling 18 students. So far this school year, we have collected 3,500 boxtops for our school – just our class. That equals $350 for the school coming from 3 year olds. That wouldn’t happen without a lot of parents, neighbors, grandparents and more. So our class collected the most for the school year and will have an ice cream party the last week of school.
That’s awesome! Congrats 🙂 Andy will really love this!
I love the new look! The floaty triangles {like the technical terms!?!} are great! Looks like you took the wordpress plunge.
Thank you! I like your technical term “floaty triangles” 🙂 I’m attempting the WP thing… it’s tricky.