We live in old house, like 1946 old. When we moved in, Andy found a wallet in the cabinet filled with WW2 goodies. I actually wrote a whole post titled, “You know you live in old house if…” with deets about out loot and other funny things about living in an antique. Any who, I knew I wanted to frame the finds and let them live on a wall in the house they’ve been in for decades. So, here they are all framed up:
I bought the shadow box back when we lived in our condo in Austin because I wanted to frame a sea fan we found on vay-cay. It lived like this in our Austin house, and for whatever reason never made it up on the wall in Florida.
Since the pic above, I guess I added some shells and the date of the trip we took and found the pretty purple coral. I tried pulling off the date, but that wasn’t working out to well, see the bottom corner:
So, I knew I wanted the WW2 goodies in the box, and I knew I needed to cover up the lower right hand corner where the half stuck date once lived. I decided the theme of the shadow box was an ode to us and our first married house. I have a collection of international coins and figured this would be a good time to show ’em off in the shape of a big fat letter “D”! I just hot glued the coins in a “D” shape right to the fabric on the back of the shadow box. Easy frekain’ peasy.
Then I pinned the WW2 goodies to the inside and decided to add a little tag with our wedding and house anniversary dates. The little red ribbon and key came from a card a friend sent to say congrats on a new house! My Grandmother gave me the Russian stacking dolls, AKA Matroshka dolls, you see sitting on the bottom of the frame.
Here’s another view of the lively little shadow box all hanging out:
The shadow box lives above the fancy little, free bar we cleaned up… After checking out this pic, I think I need to move all of the pictures over to the right like 4 inches. Boo to that.
Oh and here’s what the whole living room likes like right now. Anyone else making shadow boxes or found any fun goodies in your house? Anyone collect coins? I’d love to hear…
Comments & Reviews
When we got married a dear friend gave us a hammer and a beautiful card. Inside the card was a handwritten note, telling us the hammer was for us “to build our life together.” I framed the card and the hammer in a shadow box and it lives in our “foyer.” One of my favorite things. Yours looks great over the bar. Loved that rehab tutorial by the way. 🙂 (It’s now one of my “go to” wedding gift ideas…)