I had big plans to do a monthly Maxwell update. Yea, that big plan went right out the window oh… about 6 months ago when I realized being a new mom was insanity! Alas, I bring you 6 months of Maxwell updates all in one little post. My sweet baby is a curious, smiley, determined little munchkin who is on the move, all of the time! And getting bigger way, way too fast. Oh and if you are new here, here’s the pregnancy announcement, gender reveal party, natural birth story, and his black and white nursery!
0-1 Month:
- We gave Maxwell his first bath at home on 3-28-14, 5 days after he was born. We were scared!
- Maxwell took his newborn pictures on 4-4-14, so stinkin’ cute!
- We left Max at home with Grammy and had a sushi dinner date.
- He took his passport picture!
- Dyed his first Easter egg (with a lot of help!)
- Started smiling and loves celling fans!
1-2 Months
- Went to his first baseball game!
- And museum!
- Maxwell starting blowing tons of spit bubbles and smiles all of the time!
- He loves rocking on the front porch and staring at celling fans!
2-3 months
- Took his first plane ride to the Dominican Republic for mom’s 30th b-day celebration! (Tips for traveling with baby via plane!)
- Max was in his first Earthquake, ahh! (Check out out trip to Dominican Republic!)
- Max rolled over for the first time in his crib at 2 months and 5 days old!
- Maxwell started swim lessons on 6-11-14. He loves the water.
- He took his first super long road trip to Alabama to meet his great, great grandmother! (Tips for traveling with baby via car!)
3-4 months
- Max giggled for the first time at 3 months and 1 day old!
- Maxwell went on a boat ride for mom’s surprise party. Not a huge fan of life jackets!
- He went to 2 blog conferences in Utah and Georgia via plane with mom!
- On 7-12-23, you started doing multiple rolls and moving all over the place!
4-5 months
- Maxwell is up on all 4’s!
- He can sit up for a few seconds by himself.
- Traveled to New England to visit mom’s bff! (Free things to do with kids in Rhode Island and NYC)
- Started sticking out his tongue all of the time!
- Maxwell had his first sleepover with his great aunt while we mom and dad went to a wedding!
5-6 months
- Pulled up in his crib for the firs time!
- We had to lower the crib all of the way and remove the bumpers because he was using them as a ladder!
- Started for real crawling on 8-31-14, 5 months and 8 days old… He’s officially on the move and into everything!
- Loves turning the pages of books, playing with his soccer ball piggy bank, putting tags in his mouth, playing with his sound machine
, pulling up on anything, and taking walks in the stroller!
- Tried his first real food, sweet potatoes! Not a huge fan.
- Maxwell sits up very well now.
- Discovers something new everyday! (Fireplace, vents, lamp cords, shoes, his closet, the printer, opening cabinets) We have to get this house baby proofed! UPDATE: How to baby proof your house
I love looking at how he’s grown over time, his hair has gotten so thick! And he’s just so stinkin’ cute!
And here his is super cute 7 month picture, we took last week! He’s pulling up on everything, says “dadadada” all of the time. And stands on his own for a few seconds at a time! Oh and all of these pictures are taken on random quilts, rugs, pieces of fabric, and blankets we have at home. The blocks are from CB2, but I think they are discontinued. Boo. My friend got them to use as decor for one of our baby showers and I love them! Anyone else have a fun way to document their little ones? Do you take monthly or weekly pictures? Have any advice for teaching a 7 month old not to pull on lamp cords? I’d love to hear…
Comments & Reviews
Love the updates!!! I can’t believe how big our boys are getting!
Congrats and he’s adorable!!
He is adorable, happy 6 months little guy and mommy! 🙂 -Katie @ALittePinchofPerfect