Note: I’ve only given birth once and I chose to do it without drugs at a birthing center. With that said, these things might/ probably do happen with epidurals in a hospital setting, but I really don’t know. I’m going to share our birth story along with 8 things I didn’t realize happen during child birth! UPDATE: Here are 15 things I’ve learned about infants!
Oh and in between the story I’m sharing Maxwell Dorobek cuteness!
Max’s official due date was March 15th. He graced us with his presence 8 days later, early on March 23rd! Andy’s family was in town. His mama is a teacher in Oregon and always comes to Texas for her spring break. Andy’s brother is in college in NYC and was also in Texas for his spring break. Andy’s dad drove in town to see Casey. And, Russ, Andy’s other brother lives in Austin. All of that to say the birth story starts with a family dinner at a delicious Thai restaurant in Austin on Saturday March 22nd. (The Thai thing comes into play later.)
After dinner, we decided to grab desert and tea at a cute little bakery down the street called Quacks. I nibbled on a tasty brownie, carrot cake, and the most delicious ginger cookie I’ve ever tasted. As a prego, going to the bathroom once an hour had become the new norm and I did my hourly deed to discover a waterfall gush of what I later determined was some good ol’ amniotic fluid.
8 Things I didn’t know about natural childbirth
1. Water breaking myths
Your water might break in a coffee shop with your in laws and be a huge gush, not just a little trinkle like people say.
Thankfully, I was wearing my prego uniform of black yoga pants and an over sized shirt and hid the gush well. I quietly told Andy I need to go home. Now. We didn’t even tell his fam. I guess at that point I wasn’t 100% sure if I peed on myself, was dying, or my water broke! It was late enough to play the “I’m so tired and pregnant card” and head home without anyone asking questions.
On our way home, more gushes happened in the car. Yea, I was sitting in a puddle of amniotic fluid. Cute, huh? I called the midwife in the car on the way home. She confirmed that my water had in fact broken and I was not dying. Thank goodness. I was not having any contractions and she told me to go home and get some rest. It was 11:00pm at this point.
Andy was freaking out. Running around the house packing bags, asking me over and over if there is anything I need. I felt 100% normal at this point. No contractions. No nothing. Just an amniotic fluid waterfall an hour and half earlier. We decided to watch a little Netflix. Two episodes of the Office to be exact, and calm Andy down, haha! Then it started. A few little menstrual cramp like pains. Nothing crazy.
2. Contraction= menstrual cramp pain
But, the cramping pain gets worse and worse and worse.
By about 12:30am, I couldn’t lay in bed anymore. I was hot, then cold, then hot. Had to go to the bathroom. I was uncomfortable. Thank goodness the bathroom remodel is over and the floors are free of chipping paint! Oh and not only was I uncomfortable with the whole contraction thing, I was nauseous.
3. Nausea during labor
You might throw up during labor. And I don’t suggest eating spicy Thai food before you go into labor. Laying on the bathroom floor felt the most comfortable to me because the tile was cold, my bathrobe was available, the bathtub was very near (for the puking) and the toilet was a necessity. Andy would bring me water and ask what he could do to help, but I kept thinking we would head to the birthing center and I would whip out all of my tricks (birthing ball and bag of goodies my friend put together for me). Andy was on the phone with the midwife who wanted my contractions to be one minute long and 4 minutes a part for one hour before I came to the birthing center.
4. Timing contractions is kind of impossible
At some point, I couldn’t talk anymore. Not to mention, contractions (at least for me) were not black and white. There was a lot of grey. It’s not like a contraction ended and I felt 100%. Communicating when a contraction started and stopped was tricky and really tricky for Andy, who was having to judge by my convulsing body or moans!
All I can say is that I was getting less and less rest time and feeling more and more pain. Finally at about 6:00am Andy made the executive decision that we were going to the birthing center. He threw all of the bags he had packed the night before in the car and helped pathetic me into the car. Thankfully, there was no traffic and I laid the car seat back and attempted to breathe. Not a fun car ride. We beat the midwife to the center by about a minute. She opened the door, I sprinted to a bed, and delivered Max 4 minutes later! She put his sweet body on my belly and it was instant relief.
5. You don’t have to physically push
Your body just does it. Oh and it does not hurt nearly as bad as the contractions.
6. Body shaking
After you deliver the baby, your body shakes for what seems like forever (30 minutes?). It’s kind of scary, but apparently normal.
7. Deliver placenta
After you deliver baby, you have to deliver the placenta. I had to get a shot of Pitocin in my butt to help the placenta come faster. I was not expecting a shot! This was all very scary to me.
8. Uterus mushing
After placenta and baby are delivered, they mush on your uterus. This does not feel good. At all. The midwife tried to call it a uterus massage. I was not amused.
After all of the that, sweet baby is still laying on your belly, and they ask you to breastfeed him! And the baby does it! I was impressed. I thought Max was a genius… how in the world did he already know how to do that?! And the sweet little guy breastfed for about 2 hours!
Andy, Max, and I hung out at the birthing center all day. We did have 3 visitors, but mostly just enjoyed our time with the little guy and rested. My midwife took our vitals every hour and helped us get acquainted with the whole breast feeding thing. We were home by 6:00pm that evening. People keep asking me if I’d do it this way again… my answer is, “Absolutely!” I mean as long as there are no complications and everything goes as planned I would love to do the natural birth thing at my birthing center again. Although, next time I would insist that I go to the birthing center a little sooner.
Did you have your baby a birthing center? Did these things happen to you? If you had your babe at a hospital with an epidural, do these things still happen? Or what about after a c-section? Is anyone super brave and had a home birth? I’d love to hear! Psst… we are doing newborn pics today, check out some sneak peeks on instagram!
If you’d like to hear me to tell my birth story, you can listen to it on The Birth Hour!
Comments & Reviews
I predecided to not have pain meds…well i cracked and had 1 shot of stadol with my 1st..which i wouldnt recommend to anyone..the only thing i remember from the time i had it til it wore off was the pain..gave birth in a hospital and good thing cuz she tore more on the way down the birth canal..i ended up having a 6″ laceration in the vaginal wall. Lost so much blood that i had a transfusion. Went through almost all the blood my type that the hospital had and got taken 2 hrs away to a bigger hospital after bleeding off and on for 12hrs..the 2nd hospital is where they finally figured out what was wrong with me…went completely natural with my other 2. My water didnt break with any of them. Doc broke it at 8cm with both my 1st 2 and at 5cm with my 3rd one. Was in labor 18 hrs with my 1st and she is my strong willed! 5hrs with my middle one from first cramp to delivery and only 3 hrs hard labor with my 3rd and he has the most awesome temperment…have since learned that the stress hormome while you are pregnant travels through the plecenta to the baby and sets their stress level for the rest of their life basically…had very stressful first 2 pregnancies and 2 highly stressed children. 98% less stess with my 3rd pregnancy and he is my happy little dude 🙂
I got lucky – my water broke in my bathroom at home. I told my husband, who asked if he had time for a shower. I said I figured so. Contractions started quickly however – by the time he got out of the shower, they were two, two and a half minutes apart. We live about forty-five minutes from the nearest hospital, so we left right away. I even let him stop at Tim Horton’s! (Yes, we’re Canadian ;)) My water broke around nine thirty, and we got to the hospital around quarter to eleven. Unfortunately for me, my pregnancy had had a few complications, so I was stuck in bed on a monitor. My husband and the labour and delivery nurse were the only people present for the duration of labour. I told her I intended to go drug free, and she practically laughed at me, but said give it a shot. By two thirty she wasn’t laughing anymore – she was impressed and bragging to the other nurses. Apparently they don’t see many natural births anymore. My husband’s only comment was “she’s a trooper!” At two thirty it came time to push, and once my baby was crowning I had to wait through THREE contractions while they got the doctor out of bed – they don’t want to be called earlier than that. At three AM we delivered my beautiful baby girl. Exclusively breastfeed until 6 months, now at 7 months started solids but still being breastfed!
Woah! Go Mama! I love hearing birth stories 🙂 And congrats on your baby girl!
My son was ALL natural & without any pain medicine. He was six in a half weeks early was the main reason my doctor said no pain medicine because she was afraid of it harming him as well as me since he was being born at a stage where his lungs were under development. I get tickled every time I think about it because my mother-n-law (who we lost nine years later in 1994) had just given me a new pair of maternity pants the day before. Well I slipped them on to walk my hubby out for his two hour drive to work on June 20th at 4:30 in the morning. I made it half way down our walk way to his car & I felt water hit me to my knees! I told my husband I thought his mother was trying to tell me something…he looked at me strange. I said I think my water broke! We actually waited around til around 7:30 a.m. before we ever left for the hospital at that point I was already 5 1/2 centimeters & I still was not having contractions. I was laying in a room til about nine thirty or ten before they decided to hook another needle in my IV to start my contractions. I think I may have had two or maybe three small ones before my doctor came in and checked me at around 10:30 a.m.. We never had checked the sex of our baby but my doctor looked at me & said we would have this baby before 12 & he wouldn’t weigh much over five pounds!! Well she was right on the money, at 11:20 a.m. I went into the labor room, & three contractions later my son made his way into this world at 11:41 a.m. He also weighed 5 lbs 5 oz! Pre-mature but by three months you could not have ever believed it!
Wow. This was such an awesome story.
I don’t have any children, and I’m thinking I’d eventually like to have one.. or two.. and the idea of natural childbirth fascinates me while scares the crap out of me. I CAN tolerate pain if needed, but I’m just scared of it…
Congrats, I had a baby girl a few weeks before you on the 4th. Number 5, you don’t have to push?! I pushed for 5 hours.
Thank you for sharing your story! I can’t compare stories yet as my first doesn’t arrive until September, but it’s good to read ahead about different experiences. I wouldn’t have thought anything about spicy food or nausea, or having trouble distinguishing between contractions. Mental notes have been made! Thanks so much. This was very helpful!
Excited to hear about your birth story in Sept!!
Thank you for sharing your sweet story Jamie!! =) With my daughter, I was in labor for 27 hours. I was induced, and she ended up going to the bathroom inside of me so I had to have an immediate c-section. So honestly, I feel like I got to experience both labor and a c-section. I remember having the shakes….BAD. It IS scary and I wanted it to end. =) Also, recovery from my c-section was not bad at all. I was determined to get out of the hospital and get up and moving, so I just made myself. Now pregnant with my second, I can’t decide if I want to have a VBAC or a repeat c-section. Praying about it for sure! =)
Congrats on the birth of your adorable little guy! What a great birth story. I just had my third baby last month. I had all three in a hospital, but I didn’t get an epidural so my experience was very similar to yours! My water even broke for two out of three. Congratulations again!
This has just made me want one like mad. I’m 24 getting married next year but still living at home. By the way Jamie, he is beautiful. Especially the wrinkly bum pic!! Haha
Thank you, Amie!!! And Congrats on the engagement!
Congrats you guys!! he is beautiful!
I had to be induced for severe high blood pressure, luckily my wonderful OB doc gave me the chance to even have a vaginal delivery. I did have an epidural for the back labor, which is horrendous!!!! But I quickly delivered a healthy baby girl, my body couldn’t fight the pushing, did it on it’s own and it was an awesome delivery. I actually am a perinatal nurse, so I have seen a lot of deliveries. I would do it again in a heartbeat, although now my OB is retired and I see a mid-wife and I am considering a hospital water birth if I do not need pitocin again. Congrats on the baby, he’s adorable!!!
Wow, amazing!!! I delivered my little guy in January (he’s three months old tomorrow!) at a hospital and my story is the same, but different lol I didn’t have any contractions or anything until the day I delivered him. I actually went into labor on his actual due date and delivered him the day after at 1:05 AM. How cool would that have been to deliver him on his actual due date!? Does that ever happen?? Anyway, I did up getting an epidural at the last minute. I went from being 3 cm. dilated to being 9 cm. dilated in about an hour. The pain was terrible! I felt like my contractions were not going away at all, like it was one continuous contraction. I found out later that my contractions were spiking well over 100 and only coming down to about 50 (instead of 0), so that explains the pain. This is my first baby so everything was new to me as well. You feel every emotion possible when going through labor and delivery! Congratulations! Max is ADORABLE!