Organizing is always the easy part for me. The hard part is keeping things organized. This list of 28 organizing tips and tricks will help you and your family get organized and maintain the chaos! This list has ideas for every room in your house including the bathroom, kitchen, bedrooms and all the miscellaneous things that never seem to find a good home, like cards!
Kitchen organization DIY
Organizing the kitchen can be tricky. There are so many tools and gadgets that make cooking and baking easier. Not to mention, all the products to clean a kitchen and the dry food we eat. It all lives in one small space we call the kitchen. This list will help wrangle all of those things and more.
1. Vertical kitchen storage on a door
This is one of my favorite organizers of all time! I made it out of desperation when we lived in a one bedroom apartment in Florida. The tiny kitchen only had one drawer and this door gave our kitchen some much needed storage.
2. Wire shelf
These wire shelves live under most of my cabinets. They are awesome.
3. Wire door shelf in the pantry
I have a thing for wire shelves. I have wire shelves in my pantry, but what I really love is this wire shelf on the door! It adds so much useful storage for things like jars and seasoning packets. The wire shelf comes in different widths, so be sure to measure your door to make sure you get one that fits. Buy a wire door shelf here!
4. Junk drawer
Use balsa wood to make a customized drawer organizer that perfectly fits any sized drawer. If you’d rather not DIY a junk drawer, here is an awesome bamboo junk drawer organizer that is expandable and fits most drawers.
Another super easy solution to organize a junk drawers is to slip a silverware organizer into the drawer. You can find silverware organizers in most thrift store for super cheap!
DIY Bathroom Organization
We’ve always had small bathrooms, so bathroom organization is essential. These 5 DIY bathroom organization tips will give all of the essential bathroom things a home.
5. Glass vases
Glass vases are one of my favorite organization tools. They’re clear which make it easy to see what’s inside, inexpensive, and pretty. I use them in most rooms in my house. These glass vases live in the bathroom and organize cotton balls, Q-tips, and hairbrushes.
6. Perfume on a tray
A simple tray can wrangle lots of little things into a pretty grouping. Like I said above, our bathrooms are small, so we opt to keep the tray on top of our dresser in the bedroom. I love acrylic trays for wrangling everything, this one is a great deal!
7. Magnets in a medicine cabinet
This only works if you have a metal medicine cabinet, which we did have when we lived in Florida. It’s worth a try!
8. Toilet paper
Turn an oatmeal can into beautiful TP storage in no time with a brown paper bag.
9. DIY Storage bins
Spruce up old cardboard boxes of any size to organize things under the sink.
DIY Jewelry organizers
I love the utilizing jewelry as decoration for ears and walls! These two DIY jewelry organizers are perfect to hang on the wall in a bedroom or bathroom. Best part? They can be made as large as necessary or you can always make multiples.
10. DIY Earring organizer
Use an old picture frame and window mesh to make earrings a work of art. Not to mention a lot easier to find! If you don’t want to DIY, but like the idea of vertical earring storage to save counter space, check this out!
11. DIY Necklace organizer
I made this necklace organizer with leftover wood floor samples and it has been hanging in my bedroom ever since! I mentioned it above, but this clear, vertical, inexpensive storage organizer would work great for earrings and necklaces!
DIY Bedroom Organization
12. Kids room organization
Turn a full length door into vertical storage to hold all things kid with a full length mirror as center stage.
13. Book ledge shelves
If you’re up for a little DIY, these ledge shelves can be made to fit any wall and hold an amazing amount of books.
14. Bathing suits
Organizing bathing suits can be tricky, but I’ve found use zip lock bags to organize 2 peice bathing suits!
Garage Organization DIY
15. Laundry nook
I know now everyone has their laundry room in their garage. Consider yourself lucky, I do! Stacking your washer and dryer can save a lot of space. We added a mini drying rack made out of plumbing fixtures and a wire shelf for extra storage. Oh and of course you’ll need chalkboard labels for your baskets!
16. Bike organization
For $4 bucks and a little elbow grease you can get the bikes off of the garage floor.
17. Organize tools in the garage
Pegboard can be used to organize any room in the house, but I especially love it in the garage. (Here are 38 more ways to organize with pegboard.) Another favorite garage organizer is this handy lawn tool organizer. We have this one and it works really well.
Craft room organization
If you’re anything like me, the craft supplies is the hardest thing to keep organized. I swear by clear glass vases and Dollar Store plastic bins to keep my craft supples (pseudo) under control.
18. Craft paint storage
I used IKEA spice racks to corral 100 bottles of craft paint! If you don’t have IKEA near by, you can buy them on Amazon.
19. Clear shoe boxes for craft supplies
or anything small: I’ve been using clear plastic shoe boxes for craft supplies for years! I typically find them at a dollar store and use mailing label to stick on the outside of the box. I currently have 20+ boxes full of crafty goodness in my giant craft cabinet. (And just for fun, here is my very first craft room, it’s also the only craft room I’ve had, ha!) Here’s a great deal on a set of 12-6 quart clear storage containers.
20. Clear vases
I used clear glass and plastic vases to store craft supplies on my wall. I used plastic vases for all of the kid craft supplies like crayons and finger paints.
Organizing Tips
The last 7 organization ideas are for various items you can find anywhere in your home. Things like pictures, cards, shoes, change, and even the coat closet!
21. Coat closet turned vertical storage
We don’t need a dedicated coat closet here in Texas, so we changed out the single hanging rack for all the vertical storage.
22. Greeting cards
Add hole punches and binder rings and voila! Or if you don’t have binder rings, just add a string, ribbon, or yarn!
23. Holiday cards
Similar to the above idea, every year I pack up our holiday cards by punching a hole in one side and attaching them with a simple binder ring. Binder rings also work well to corral flash cards for kids or artwork, so this pack of 50 will get used!
24. Yarn web
Making a yarn web to wrangle pictures is as simple as finding a skein of yarn and adding tacks. This is perfect for a kids room or the playroom.
25. Fancy framed yarn web
At some point, I updated my simple yarn web into a fancy version with a simple picture frame.
27. DIY Shoe organizer
Make a super simple entry way shelf out of wooden crates for all of the shoes!
28. DIY Chalkboard wall
To organize life. Best part? You can add one to any wall in your house.
29. Command hooks
I used these on the vertical storage doors (See #1 and #12), but I also often use them on walls and closet doors. These are currently in our entry way and on the back of our bathroom door. They’re kind of amazing and don’t peel paint off when you’re ready to remove the hooks.
Have any easy, awesome organizing tips to add to my list?! I’d love to hear…
Comments & Reviews
I love these ideas and how you have a way to organize so many different spaces in my house. Thanks for helping me get organized!
I have never seen anyone use a shutter like this!!! It’s awesome. I can understand you level of desperation with one drawer! Wont this idea be sooo cute for garden tool storage??? That’s my plan anyways.