Things are expanding at a rapid pace over here in Casa de Dorobek… that’s right my belly and our family are growing! I’m pregnant with baby #2! I’m 17 weeks, ahh! I really wanted to wait until September 24th to spill the baby beans since that is the same day, 2 years ago, that I told y’all about our Max baby! But, I can’t wait any longer! Maxwell is very excited to announce that he is going to be a… big brother!
And all of these adorable pictures were taken by my friend, Sarah. If you are looking for an amazing, affordable Austin photographer, check her out!
This picture was taken after the 5 minute session with his “Hello my name is Big Brother” sticker, and Sarah asked him to smile… gotta love a little baby tude’!
We’ve been talking about being a “big brother” and having a baby a lot. But, I’m fairly he certain he has no idea what “big brother” means. But, he does get “bee bee”. He points at pictures of himself, babies in books, or other babies when we are out and about and says “bee bee”. I guess that is a good start, right?!
After our 5 minute session inside, we thought it might be fun to get a few more big brother pictures outside. Maxwell had other plans, he put on his sunglasses, grabbed the big blue ball, and declared it was time to play… and get really dirty!
The cute picture below, was my first attempt to take pictures of the big brother! Then, I called Sarah 🙂 Also note, this was before he got his 2nd haircut! Oh how I love those curls! Please tell me his curls will grow back?!
Y’all, so let’s be real. I am going to have 2 kids under 2 (for a month)! And let’s talk about a toddler and a baby sharing a room? Is that crazy? I’m thinking the baby will sleep in our room for a few months and then transition the little nugget into a crib in the same room with Max who will (fingers crossed) be in a big boy bed? I’m reading this book called Bringing Up Bébé, where the author talks about how most French babies “do their nights” by the time they are 4 months old. Yea, we need to work on that! When did your babies “do their nights”? Max was about 10 months old! And according to the book, it doesn’t matter if the baby is bottle fed or breastfed! We have a 3 bedroom house, but it is set up with a master suite (in my opinion) very far away from the other 2 bedrooms. So, we currently live on the side with Max. And the guest suite is great for company! Also, moving Max to a big boy bed? That needs to happen in the next 20 weeks or so. Tips? Tricks? Suggestions? Should I just buy another crib?
I feel like I need to read up on my tips and tricks for newborns post! I’m so excited/ nervous all over again. Anyone else pregnant? Due on leap day? Have a birthday on leap day?! How fun would that be?! Tips for 2 under 2?
Comments & Reviews
I’m so excited I just found your blog today! I LOVE your ideas…especially for kids! LOVE IT! I saw you’re pregnant so I had to see when you were due. Looks like we’re close. I’m due on Feb. 23. I had my first two 17 months apart and LLLOOOOVVVEED it! Our baby was in our roomf or 2 months and then we bumped our 19 month old to a toddler bed, which he loved and baby girl got the crib…within a year, they were both in a queen size bed together and were for over 10 years. They had seperate rooms, but got so used to having each other that they continued to share rooms until my oldest because a tween and too cool for that…but my younger 4 all sleep in the same room still. I LOVE IT! Congratulations! You’ll love having 2. It was our favorite (and easiest) number!
How sweet that they slept together for 10 years!! Thanks for the positive stories 🙂 I think I’m leaning to not buying a second crib and definitely sharing a room! And congrats to YOU!!! So fun that we are due so close together!
Oh congrats friend!!!!! Teddy is still not doing his nights unless it’s a fluke so I’m no help. But I really enjoyed Bringing up Bebe. If you liked the food aspects I loved French Kids Eat Everything even more!
Congrats!! How exciting:). My two girls are 28 months apart. We were lucky and was able to borrow a 2nd crib and both are girls shared a small room- because it was across from ours. The youngest slept in our room till she was to long for the basinet- approx. 8 weeks. When we put them in together it was fine but they were both in cribs. I would see how Max feels. It was defenitly easier between the 2 year age gap then the 4 year agents between by son and daughter. I felt like I was ruining my sons life. My daughter was excited to have a sister. If you can borrow a crib I would do that – because of the fact when they know they can get out of their bed on their own it creates a new way to baby proof. I think the less stress the better and the fewer amount of changes the better. Or make it his choice- when you are ready for the baby to move in you can ask him if he wants to get a new big boy bed and give the baby his? Either way he will be fine! I’m sure you will do the right thing- you know him more than we do:).
Congrats!! My kids are 53 weeks apart. We transitioned our oldest to a big boy bed 2 days before his sister was born. He slept in our room up until then in a pack n’ play. We never have bought a regular crib. We don’t have a whole lot of room. We actually transitioned him to a treadle bed (a twin size bunk bed but it has steps instead of a ladder and the bottom bed rolls out.) He was in the room while we were setting it up and he could go up and down the steps so well. The mattess actually sits down on the top bunk so he can’t roll off the side of it (there’s a high ledge on it). He has slept on the top since the first night we put him in there. I had to be in the hospital for 5 days after his sister was born so dad would lay with him at night till he fell alseep but he stayed in bed all night after dad would leave. We haven’t had any issues. My advice is to have Max included in the bed decisions. When picking out the toddler bed have him with show him how cool it is. Let him be in the room when setting it up. And maybe put a baby doll in the crib so he can see that there will be a new baby in his crib but he gets to sleep in the big boy bed.
Yay congrats! My first two were only 16 months apart and it was crazy but so much fun!! We ended out having to get a second crib because they were so close. My advice would be to not make any big changes in the month or two before the baby is born… Like the crib. So that max doesn’t feel like the baby is taking his stuff lol. At least that’s what I read somewhere and tried to do and it seemed to work well. Of course they are so tiny who knows if they would notice!
Woah! I didn’t realize they were sooooo close! I feel like the 2nd crib would definitely be easier, but then I worry that Max will just learn to climb out anyway and then what’s the point?! I like th tip to not change anything major a month before baby is born! xo
Does his crib transition into a toddler bed? Maybe try that first and see how it goes. The big thing to remember about moving to a big kid bed is that you are no longer in charge of nap time/ bed time! Our kids were a little farther apart in age so we were able to wait until my older boy was almost 3 before we moved him into a big kid bed – and it took him about a week to realize he didn’t need us to get him out of bed, and there was nothing actually keeping him in bed at night – now that he’s 4, he’s FINALLY getting a little easier to reason with. But we had months of 4 or 5 AM wake ups when he refused to go back to sleep and would get out of bed over and over, and it was exhausting! I’m not sure if starting at an earlier age will be easier or harder!
And Congratulations!!! Haha! How did I forget that part? 🙂
Haha! Thank you! And his crib dose not transition to a toddler bed. I am so nervous about exactly what you are talking about! He is currently such a good napper/ sleeper and I don’t want to mess that up! But, buying another crib is not an exciting thought either!
Congrats on Baby #2, very excited for you all. Max is such a cutie!!!!
Thank you 🙂
Congrats!! My kiddos are 18 months apart and they have always shared a room (they are now 21 months and 3 yrs.) We had the baby in our room until we knew for sure she was sleeping thru the night and wouldn’t wake up her older brother who was such a good sleeper. Which was close to a year old. We ended up buying a second crib – but it worked so much better for us! I was too afraid the older one would get out of bed and wake up the baby. But it seems to be more common to move the older one to a bed… Just maybe do it before baby comes so he doesn’t feel like the baby took his crib away? The harder part is getting the nap schedule down with 2 napping on different schedules. They will become best of friends sharing a room! Good luck!
That’s encouraging! And I’m happy to hear that yours are awesome friends and enjoy sharing a room! We have to get this crib/ bed thing figured out pretty soon!
CONGRATS!!! These photos are sooo cute 🙂
Thank you, Colby!!! xo
Congratulations! My only advice for transitioning to two kiddos is to take it extra slow the first month or so after the new baby comes if possible.
Advice taken 🙂 Thank you!
Congrats!! I would bet Max will be ready for a big boy bed by the time the new baby arrives. Don’t buy another crib!!
Thank you! That’s what I’m hoping, I don’t want to buy another crib and mattress… those things are expensive!