Earlier this year, the kids and I partnered with Frost Bank to help them with their goal to inspire optimism and give back to our community. We hosted a bowl painting party to make bowls to donate to the Empty Bowl Project, a local charity in Austin that helps fight hunger. I love the idea that everyone has something to give, kids included! When Frost asked us to partner again to Frost it Forward with random acs of kindness, we were absolutely in!
The kids and I chatted about ways to brighten someone’s day, and their ideas are genius…
How can we make someone else smile?
I started the discussion with a simple question, “What do you think we can do to make someone else smile.” My 3 year old daughter, Mila, has an obsession with making cards and the mail box. So, naturally she mentioned sending someone a handmade card. “That will make Nana smile,” Mila exclaimed.
I told the kids Frost gave us a few $10 gift cards to hand out to brighten people’s day. My 5 year old son, Maxwell, declared, “We should give one to our new mailman since he works so hard delivering all of that mail.” Done and done, Maxwell!
What we did with our gift cards
My kids love making and sending cards, so we decided to make 5 cards and include a $10 Frost It Forward gift card in each envelope. We used their art as the envelope for the note and gift card. Here is a simple tutorial on how to make an envelope. We handed the art envelopes out to:
- 3 Teachers (Max has 1 and Mila has 2)
- Our new mailman named Paul.
- The guys who maintain the dirt track my kids love to ride at.
The kiddos teachers and the mailman said thank you multiple times and commented on the colorful handmade envelopes. The most fun envelope to give was at the 9th street dirt track where I take the kids to ride bikes. The dirt track is a city park maintained by BMX loving adults. Mila handed the envelope to 3 young guys taking a break from shoveling dirt. They were shocked. And so surprised to find a gift card inside! The simple card started a conversation about how each of the got involved in BMX. It was the best kind of ice breaker.
Random Acts of Kindness Ideas
Below are some easy, fun ideas of random acts of kindness for kids and parents of all ages. Many of these ideas were invented by my kids. My daughter loves #9, handing out stickers to kids at a restaurant is her jam.
- Bring your neighbors garbage cans up for them.
- Bring a neighbors newspaper to their front door.
- Pick up litter at the park.
- Write your teacher a surprise thank you card.
- Leave a hand written card in a library book.
- Dry the slides at the park with a towel after it rains.
- Make a welcome home sign for a sibling or parent.
- Hand out treats to delivery folks.
- Make slime to hand out to kids in the neighborhood.
- Bring stickers to share with kids at a restaurant.
- Bake cookies for a fire station.
- Return a lost grocery cart at the grocery store.
- Thank a postal worker with a handwritten note.
- Help a neighbor pull weeds, rake, or mow their yard.
- Leave a happy drawing on a random car.
- Offer to take a photo for a couple or family.
- Compliment a parent on the positive behavior of their kids.
- Leave a waitress an an extra big tip and/ or a fun note or drawing.
- Leave positive comments for people on social media.
- Hold the elevator door open for someone.
- Let someone cut in front of you in the check out line.
- Send your grandparents pictures in the mail.
Did you know that optimism is a learned trait? Studies show that optimism is about 25% inheritable. How cool is that? For more information on Optimism check out this website from Frost. And if you have a fun idea to Frost it Forward, fill out this form and you might just get a $10 gift card sent to you to fulfill your idea! I’m thankful to partner with a bank that believes random acts of kindness are a catalyst for optimism, and is on a mission to make the world a more optimistic place. What random acts of kindness can I add to the list? I’d love to hear…
Comments & Reviews
Great Post!! Absolutely amazing.