Dear Friends,
What is wrong with me? I posted a freebie with errors galore! I’m kind of a hyper, impulsive, maniac which is exactly how this little St. Patrick’s Day freebie ended up on the blog with errors. Thank you for being so nice, overlooking my errors, and still writing nice comments. But seriously, sometimes I just need help! Please, please feel free to correct me if you see something wrong. I like constructive criticism!xo, Jamie
p.s. the BF is the one that e-mailed me, letting me know this thing needs help! Isn’t he so sweet.
Here is the original printable I posted:
Comments & Reviews
Hello, I love this cute printable quote you made for St. Patrick's Day, you did a fabulous job! this quote is perfect for St. Patrick's Day…I hope it's okay, I featured your printable quote in a St. Patrick's Day crafts round-up hub here:
Thank you so much for sharing this!
May I share your printables on my blog? I would only use a small image and link to your post so people would still be going to your site to get the printable.
It would be as part of a post on St. Patricks Day printables on
ecarian at yahoo dot com
(and on a funny note…the word verification was talipper, which is just strikes me as funny and cute…would be a cute word for a dog that chased it's tail.
Love that quote…Thomas Jefferson just had a knack for slightly underhanded wit.
Don't worry we all make mistakes. Most people probably didn't even notice. I like this, with and without the mistakes.