Note: I’m sending lots of love to Boston today. Here are some ways we can help and here are 13 examples of people being awesome during/ after the tragedy.
I love blogging. Duh. I live and breathe blog. And meeting bloggers IRL (in real life) is super fun for me. Conferences (BlissDom, Haven, Bloggy Boot Camp, Snap) are awesome, but can be expensive. So, here is my suggestion: Get to know the bloggers in your city and have you own meet ups! (Interacting with other bloggers is #9 on the first post I wrote about how to grow your blog!)
If you’re new here, let me give you a brief recap: I finished grad school for educational administration in Dec. 2011 (I could be a principal in Texas!), quit my teaching job I’d had for 4 years, and moved to FL in January 2012. Andy and I got married in our living room (with 4 guests) on 2.22.2012 (Read more about that here). I found a part time social media job at EDENS, that I loved, continued blogging, and Andy worked for Morgan Stanley Smith Barney. Fast forward to November 2012. Andy got a job offer in Texas with a friend’s family business. I wrote a letter to the universe and BAM… Andy put in his 2 weeks notice, I had to quit my job, and we moved back to Texas (Read more about the why we moved here). We just bought a new to us house in Austin and I got a few new jobs! Which leads me to the point of this post… I promise I was going somewhere with all of that!
So, let me start with TreeHouse. It’s awesome, and I loved shopping/browsing there before I moved to Florida. It’s kind of like the Whole Foods of home improvement. It’s a start up in South Austin, and only one location as of now. When I moved back to Austin, I knew I needed to find a part time job(s) to supplement the blog income. Since I did social media for a EDENS in Florida, and loved it, I figured contacting businesses I love in Austin and asking if they need social media help was a good start! I contacted TreeHouse and bam, I do social media for them part time. (If you love environmentally friendly home building, follow along on facebook and twitter!) Not only do I do facebook and twitter, but I also get to plan blogger events which is my very favorite part! TreeHouse did its first blogger event last week, and we tested products, toured the store, and hung out with local DIY bloggers. Fun! I got to meet and hang out with some awesome bloggers: Lindsey, Kristen, Allison, Beth, Gina, Amy, Lisa, Marla, and Jenn!
Jason led us on a tour through TreeHouse and we learned things like:
Allison really liked the Tweet Tarts and Insta Grahms I made for the event (free social media printables here and here):
Everyone got goodie bags filled with treats:
Here are all of the girls starting the TreeHouse tour. Ohh and check out those prize packs… Switch light bulbs are pretty amazing. I would love to have them in every room in our house! And look… Andy even attended our blogger event!
Kristen, the lucky duck, won the grand prize… a Nest thermostat! We recently got one too. We just switched our HVAC to a 2 zone system, so more on all of that and how to install a Nest thermostat soon.
I heart my job(s) and these peeps. Oh and the boys in the pic are Kane and Jason. Kane does marketing for TreeHouse and Jason is one of the co-founders, who was also our tour leader of the evening.
So, if you’re in south Austin and want to check out a fun store… come on by TreeHouse! And if you’re a local Austin green/DIY blogger leave me a comment if you’d be interested in attending the next blogger event!
Comments & Reviews
This sounds like SO much fun! I’m so impressed with you for just straight up contacting TreeHouse and getting that job. Wow what a rockstar!
Hubby and I just found out we’re moving to TX. Waiting to find out if it will be Austin or Dallas (hoping Austin!) so theres a really good chance I’ll be in town next time you set one up! Include me pretty please!?!
It would be so fun to meet IRL 😀
I had such a great night and learned so much! Thank you for setting it up, and thanks SO much for inviting me!! 🙂
I’m going to be in Austin all summer, so plan one then! 😉 That looks like a really fun/rewarding job!
FUN! Thanks for letting me know!
Ahh congrats, Jamie! what a perfect job for you. So proud of you!!
Thank you, Alana 🙂
What an awesome job!! And even cooler than you essentially created it yourself. Very inspirational 🙂
Thanks, Michelle! I LOVE putting together blogger events!
So fun! I am sorry I couldn’t make it! My hubby was out of town and it was a baseball/soccer practice night! It looks like you ladies had a great time and learned a ton of great stuff!
Totally understand, Lorie 🙂 FIngers crossed we’ll have another soon and you can come!
When Lorie comes, I want to come! Been waiting to meet her IRL for YEARS! Peeking in from SA and so proud of you for creating all of this so quickly since you moved back. I remember seeing all of Amy & Lisa’s social media from the tour and thinking, “Man whoever is organizing all this is awesome. I thought they were working with a blogger maybe, but never thought they WERE one. Congrats, you rock.
Thank you, Stacy! I’d love to get some SA bloggers to TreeHouse 🙂