I love Halloween! A few years ago, I made my then 6 month old son 6 DIY costumes! I love the creativity of Trunk or Treats. People get creative and turn the trunks of their car into scenes from use movies, TV shows, books, animals, board games, and even objects. Even if you don’t trunk or treat, maybe you can use one of these ideas as a family costume this year. Below is a list of 37 clever trunk or treat ideas.
What is a trunk or treat?
Trunk or treating is as simple as a group of adults getting together to decorate the trunks of their cars and park them together in the same spot. Trunk or treating usually happens in a church or school parking lot. Kids dress in costumes and run from one car to the next gathering treats from trunks of cars.
Movie themed Trunk or Treat Ideas
1. Toy Story
Did you know the first Toy Story came out in 1995? True! Use cardboard to make Andy’s bed and use toys from the kiddos closets to represent the characters from Toy Story. Gabrielle sent in this idea via C.R.A.F.T. facebook.
2. Star Wars
If you have a houseful of Star Wars lovers, this trunk or treat scene comes from Hoth the Frozen Planet is perfect. This idea also sent in from Gabrielle.
3. Angry birds
The first Angry Birds game was released in 2009, and Angry Birds the movie was made in 2016. Kids love that this trunk or treat is interactive! For more details, check out Satchels of Gold.
4. Angry birds
Here is another version of a trunk or treat with Angry Birds where a table was set up in front of the trunk to house the building blocks. For more details, check out 10 23 Designs.
5. Wizard of Oz Trunk or Treat
A rainbow, the Emerald City, a field of poppies, and of course a yellow brick road… this Wizard of Oz trunk or treat is perfect! Details at Buy Me Love.
6. Yellow brick road
A simpler version of Wizard of Oz is done here with an Emerald City, rainbow, and the yellow brick road. Details at nc & beyond.
7. Star Wars
Turn a trash can into R2-D2 and dress up as Darth Vader for a Star Wars inspired trunk or treat. Details at Trunk or Treat Decorating.
8. The Avengers
This trunk or treat is as simple as hanging an American Flag and a sign that says, “Avengers Headquarters”. You will need a Captain American, Hulk, Thor, and Super Girl! Details at Niebuhrs.
9. Mary Poppins
The key to a Mary Poppins trunk or treat is awesome costumes and a “Supercalifragilelisticexpialicocious” sign! Image via Christ Place.
10. Grease
All you need are some hanging records, red and silver balloons, and an all black outfit! Image via University Baptist Church.
TV show themed trunk or treats
11. The Magic School Bus and Ms. Frizzle
If you’re a teacher, this Ms. Frizzle inspired trunk or treat is perfect! Don’t forget to add Ms. Frizzle’s lizard to your shoulder! Details at All the Dots.
12. Sesame Street
What kiddo doesn’t love Sesame Street and especially Cookie Monster?! This trunk or treat theme includes tons of potential charahchters to dress up as-Oscar the Grouch, Bert and Ernie, Elmo, and Big Bird! For more details, check out C is for cookie and candy.
13. Charlie Brown and the great pumpkin patch
If you have an infant, Charlie Brown’s great pumpkin patch trunk or treat s for you!
14. Day of the Dead
This could easily be turned into a Coco inspired Turnk or Treat! For more Day of the Dead details check out Lynlee.
15. Charlie Brown
Details and lots more pictures at Lynlee.
16. The Big Bang Theory
Details at Niebuhrs.
17. Little red riding hood
The granny curtain, wooden sign, and awesome costumes make this Little Red Riding hood trunk or treat extra special. Image via Christ Place.
Animal themed trunk or treat ideas
18. Black cat
Image via Gunner’s Pix.
19. Frog
Grab a green tarp, cardboard, and paint to turn your car into a giant frog. Image via Pinterest.
20. Zoo
If your house is full of stuffed animals, this is the perfect trunk or treat for you! Add a simple gate, a little straw, and zoo keeper for an adorable Zoo inspired trunk or treat. Details at Project Little Me.
Easy trunk or treat ideas
21. Mouth and tongue car
All you need for this trunk or treat is white card board and red butcher paper! Oh and of course candy to fill up the mouth. Image via St. Josephs Catholic Church.
22. Slumber party
Gather all the bean bags, pajamas, blankets, and stuffed animals for the coziest trunk or treat yet!
23. Camp out
Add a small kids tent to the back of your car and make a pretend campfire with tissue apper and you are all set for a camp out trunk or treat. I love that the candy bowl was disguised as the center of the fire. Details at Jeannie Marie.
24. Crime scene and CSI
All you really need for this trunk or treat idea is yellow crime scene tape. Add police officer costumes or FBI costumes for extra flair. Details at Trunk or Treat Decorating.
25. Drive in Movie
Add a TV to the trunk of the car and play a family friendly movie like The Little Rascals. Set up toy cars and make a snack bar if you’re feeling fancy. Details at Jeannie Marie.
26. Bath time
A shower curtain, bathrobes, and tons of rubber duckies make this trunk or treat easy and fun! Details at Christ Place.
27. Spider web
All you need for the spider web trunk or treat is rope, black sheet, and a few yard of pipe insulation to use as spider legs. Fill a black sheet with a few sleeping bags for the big event. Then, use pipe cleaners for the spiders face. Image via Connection Church.
28. Toaster
Turn cardboard into giant pieces of toast and attach them to the top of your car. Then, craft up a browning control knob using a circular cake pan. Image via Rand Aadams.
29. Spooky bake shop
For more details on the spooky bake shop trunk or treat, check out Giggles Galore.
Religious themed trunk or treats
30. Jonah and the whale
This Jonah the Whale themed trunk or treat complete with Jonah in the trunk is amazing! Details at Simply Mommy.
31. Noah’s Ark
Details at Simply Mommy.
If you’re looking for DIY costumes ideas, don’t miss these posts:
Comments & Reviews
I LOVE these ideas!! Thank you so much! I’m doing my 1st trunk and treat and I had no clue about doing this and now I’m very excited for this event!! Thank you again!
Happy Halloween
Isn’t it Jonah in the whale?
I think some more Disney and movie themes should be added on here